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budgetmotorhome insurance........

Guest keith T

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Guest keith T
Have just received the flyer which I see is referred to in a couple of earlier postings about the above. Hadn't realised it camse 'courtesy' of MMM. However, has anyone had any dealing with this insurer, either from taking out a policy/getting a quote or using their services. Being a cynic, I would like to know are they 'budget' in what they charge or what sort of policy they offer? Are they any better/worse than their competitors, and whose policy do they ussue. I always shop around when the time comes, although for the last 3 yrs I have stayed with my existing insurer as they seem to be as good as anyone in what I need. Are they a 'new' company, and have they any commercial 'tie-up' with Warners? Interested to hear any comments!
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Guest Mel E
I believe that they are new, at least to motorhome insurance. However there are only about 4 or 5 underwriters (Norwich Union is one of the biggest), so I don't see how they are goin to make a vast difference to prices. They have done what any new company has to do to build business these days: bought the use of a mailing list (MMM's subscriber base) to market itself. Before you object to Warners doing this, remember that everything you subscribe to, get a quote from, book a holiday with, buy a car from, etc., etc. does exactly the same. There is always a box to tick to say 'not me, thankyou!'. It's part of the legitimate income stream of any publication these days.
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Guest keith T
Hi Mel....I agree with your first para. As to the 'sale' of subscriber lists, I always try to tick a box if I see one to avoid too much junk mail, and i notice on the earlier posting about 'conficentiality' there have been some quite vociferous comments about this. In this case, I'm not too concerned, although I don't remember seeing a box or being asked. My enquiry was more related to any 'commerecial' interest in this comlany by Warners...ie are they going into the insurance business themselves under a pseudonymn or trading name!
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Guest mikeT
The envelope was marked up as warner group; address is from the same place - I would think it's actually warners, not a sale of the mail list.
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Guest Basileuo
Hi All, I notice that Budget is a trading name of BISL Limited who are the holding company for Bennets insurance (very well known in the motorcycling world) the sponsors of British Superbike championships I believe. So it looks more likely that, due to the return address being Warners, that they have done the mail out for them rather than going into the insuranc business themselves. For what it is worth Bennetts is a highly respected and competative motorcycle insurer, so I would not be unhappy to use them, however for me as I definately requested no mailings when I took out my subscription I am less than impressed with Warners. I am now wondering if you have to restate your prefference when renewing your subscription, if that is the case that is a bit sharp practise in my view!!!
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Guest Brian Kirby
For what it's worth, I think Warners are playing ducks and drakes here. If one expresses a preference not to receive mailouts from third parties, that should be that, and it should preclude the sale of one's name, address etc, from a mailing list. That is what most of us surely mean and expect when we tick the relevant box. What Warners appear to have done in this case, is to handle the mailout themselves, on behalf of the third party. That looks a bit like a devious construct with the intention of getting around one's expressed wishes. Technically, they can claim not to have transgressed because they have not passed out the details on the mailing list to a third party. Who, me, Guv? Ooooh. no. Didn't sell anything, I didn't. You know, arms wide apart and looking all innocent, probably about 15 and spotty. It's around that level, isn't it? Practically, the object of ticking the box was not to be sent the third party guff, irrespective of who played postie! Do Warners really need something that obvious explaining to them? Are they literary pigmys, rather than giants? Which part of no are they having difficulty with etc. etc? Why put the box on the form in the first place and imvite subscribers to indicate a preference if, a while later on, you intend subverting your subscriber's wishes with a adolescent ruse? Did some one get paid for this? Have I said enough? Too much? Is anyone listening, Mr Moderator?? A word in the right ear, perhaps? Sharpish? :-) Brian
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There is an old saying "in for a penny in for a pound" Well Warners may have made a penny by selling my details and lost the £37.41 they were hoping to get from my subscription renewal. The cupboard is full of many years magazines but I will probably just buy the odd magazine as and when required in the future. I will miss the forum more than the magazine but there are others with similar information. Thanks to those who have helped me in the past. Ray.
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Guest Derek Uzzell
If you are concerned about missing the MMM forum, the future may hold a pleasant surprise for you.
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Guest keith T
Obviously Dereke 'knows' something the resty of us don't......! I think MMM is pretty OK on the whole, and the forum site very useful and interesting. I do hope hwoerever that this excercise was simply a 'mailing' one, albeit perhaps not very well considered by Warners, and does not corrput their 'impartiality' when it comes to revewing products and services.
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Guest docted
There are nowadays usually two boxes to tick/untick regarding further communications from the supplier or a third party. One is usually a tick to accept the mailed items the other a tick to not accept. The detail though is in the small print and you have always got to read the small print to decipher which is which. Never mind keeps the opticians busy.
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Guest Mel E
So are you going to stop driving, Ray? Or didn't you know that the DVLA sells your details from its database without even asking for your consent? Details which include not only your full name and address, but also your date of birth - tailor made for identity theft. There has been a row about this but it hasn't been stopped. My wife received, in today's post, a pre-completed application form for an insurance policy from a company she has never heard of, complete with these DoB details. Now that really is something to worry about!!!!
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Guest keith T
This is BAD news.....surely there must be a way to opt-out (as with teh electoral registrtation forms)....I know DVLA is part of the UK Government, which does just what it likes with everyones identitiy as well as their lives, but since I have opted out one way or another of pretty well all 'junk' mail, I would be interested to know how to do this one!
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