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ducato judder


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Having exhausted all complaints procedures through customer service,and also through the motor industry codes of practice re clutch judder,which as we know is caused by a too high ratio reverse gear,i am looking to form an action group,depending on response.I would sugest in the mean time, if you havn't already done so,contact Fiat customer service on 0800 3428 0000 ask for a case number.If your response is negative contact the motor industry codes of practice on 02073441650

Anyone interested in forming an action group?

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Welcome to the forum Colb.


There are several long running threads about the Fiat Judder where your idea for action has been sometimes been mentioned.


Use of the forum search facility over the past year in Motorhome Matters should provide you with more info and names of those unfortunate enough to own one of these wretched vans and who share your frustrations.


On the other hand it does seem that a few people are starting to get things sorted to their almost satisfaction so maybe now might be a better time to again seek help and reconciliation from Fiat rather than antagonise them?


I might be wrong - I often am!

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I am in the process of taking action with regard to my vehicle as the fault is so limiting re the general use of the vehicle. I have made frequent contributions on various threads re: I have some very interesting correspondence from Fiat. So count me in.....!


The bottom line is really if you don't mind buying a vehicle which will eventually fail "good luck to you".



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As an aside to this, I found at the Lincoln show that there was one dealership that was completely open about the problems and didn't try to 'hide' them at all. They were of the view that the problem has not been properly sorted on vans which have had the mods done so it was really up to you whether or not you took the risk.


2 sides to this - it could be a way of covering his a*se in case you came back complaining of a van you'd bought from him so afflicted, or it could simply be a genuine honest dealership ... you choose! No, I am not going to give the name!

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Hi Moyne i need a minimum 10 vehicles to take a vehicle assessor as advised by the motor industry codes of practice.I only started recruiting on saturday the 26th and so far you are the 5th.Have you logged your complaint with the motor industry codes of practice?if not i would suggest you do so,the number is 02073441650 colb
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