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Cleaning Blue Water Hose


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I have one of those nice role up blue water fill up hoses which collapse flat when there is no water running through it.

Anyone got any good suggestions on how to clean it. I have tried gravity (siphoning) but this doesn't even get close since the hose collapses.


I am beginning to think the only realistic option would be a pump, but that'll likely be more expensive than just replacing the whole hose, which seems a dreadful waste.


This simply an issue of general 'housekeeping' rather than there having been any need to do this.


Many thanks,




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Why bother? I've been using a green Hoselock 10 metre flat hose on a reel for 15 years and never had any issues with cleanliness. Do you have a problem or just a perceived problem? Rinsing through with clean water should be enough and you can do that every time you fill if you feel it necessary.

Bill Ord

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It's more of a case of having used various water supplies, in France, and not being overly confident on the clenliness of some of the taps, particularly those near to dump points, not least viewing how some people might decide to clean their toilet and then fill-up with water with no obvious consideration to washing hands or removing gloves.

I just wanted to consider the notion of periodic flushing, just like I might do with the water system in the van.

Afterall, there have been plenty of threads on this forum about people who have had bad effects from poluted water systems.


Sometimes, what I see worries me, but it's what I can't see that scares me !!!

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mike.wittamore - 2009-10-01 9:54 AM


We have had one for 8 years. I just give it a good blast through when we find a tap with good water presure. Gets rid of all the remains of things thet crawl or slither in when its stored. The reel its self is coming apart. Any clever dick got a solution


If your reel is similar to mine which is a Hoselock and the centre "pops" out when trying to re-wind then the solution I employed was to build up the rim which retains the centre part with epoxy resin and allow to cure for 24 hours before using to see if more build up of resin is required. It works for me and the only down side is having to be careful in applying the resin which I do with a match stick and cleaning off any resin which runs down off the rim. You may need to hold the reel for ten minutes till the resin sets to avoid it running where its not needed.


Bill Ord

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In addition to a good flush thru before each trip I also "strip" residual water from the hose after each fill by pulling and squeezing it end to end with my fingers, if you get my drift. I do this a couple of times and reckon it clears almost all the water but will still leave a dampness in which things will grow, which brings us full-circle back to the initial flush. Our mains water is horribly chlorinated and whilst it's undrinkable it should clean the hose pretty well. The milton idea sounds good. We never drink tank water anyway.

Once upon a time in my motorhoming youth I saw another camper, who had been on site several days, rinsing and filling their Thetford cassette at the sole drinking water tap (CS) to which I had been connecting my fill hose. As there were no site loos this was unlikely to be the first time they had done this as there was only the one outside tap..... I was horrified! I immediately dumped the hose and reverted to portable water carriers filled from a kitchen tap. Even so, we got tummy bugs, possibly from toothbrushing, for which we do use the tank.

I've seen other dodgy practices too but am now forewarned and hopefully less at risk. One-tap sites are definitely on my Beware list.

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What ever are you thinking of. You'll be asking for clean fresh air next !!


Just run water through it before putting the end into your container. A boiled spider or two will never harm you, and they're protein anyway !!


Gordon Bennet Clyde! A few bugs will improve our imune system to ward off the real nasties.



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In principle I absolutely agree with you Bill. I was allowed to play in the dirt and eat all sorts of things which don't come in packets !


I also think making a minimal amount of effort can't hurt either.


While I understand the concerns raised about 'one tap site's', I am pretty sure I wouldn't ever use that tap out of obvious concern, which is why I am more willing to drive with a partial tank of fresh water.

I'm also not going to go down the route of using bottled water. I have and so has my 4 year-old become accustomed to the taste of 'Thames Water', so anything will almost certainly taste better and less chewy from limescale.

Get used to something not so good and everything else is a bonus !!!


I just wonder, for all those who only use bottled water or any thing other than their on-board fresh water tank, do you take them out to benifit from the additional storage ? Might as well if you never think it's going to be used.

I guess they could always be reinstalled if ever you wanted to sell the van.





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Re bottled water, we take a couple of empty bottles away with us and fill them on site for drinking, thus by-passing the tank.

I'm thoroughly unhappy with the whole bottled water thing but our mains water is dreadful - even after filtering it's still tainted with chlorine.

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