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Any Recent "Brownhill" Experiences?

Vernon B

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We bought from Brownhills (NE) a couple of weeks ago and found them to be spot on with both sales and aftercare.


On the "charter" check with a member of their sales team, they picked up on a couple of minor faults that we had not noticed and these were rectified prior to collection.


We have been back to them since with another minor fault, and once again their treatment has been first class.


During handover, one of their team mentioned Newark as a good stopover destination, if we were in the area and I queried the customer care issues I had heard about.


The response was that Newark was a victim of it's own success and it's Customer Care Team struggled to cope.


I don't know how current that situation is and I've never visited Newark so have no personal experience.

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I personally wouldn't use Brownhills, as far as I'm concerned they will never ever repair the damage to their reputation that they have caused - Unfortunately I have had truely horrfifc experience of them - no matter how much they try to change, a leopard never changes its spots.


This is my opinion. Once you have born a monster, you can try and tame it, but there's always going to be the times that it will rear its ugly head again. Its 'actions' not talk that count, and Brownhills in my view has plenty of hot air, sales talk and not alot of action where it counts - in communication when things aren't right and resolving problems which comes under the guise of Customer Service.


If Brownhills truely wanted to start afresh, they should have changed their name after the buy out, that would obviously cost alot, the fact they didn't indicates where there interest lays - in profit rather than building a better reputation. A decent reputation will build into profit, a quick spruce up doesn't repair the damaged reputation and ends up loosing profit in the long run. Badly treated customers don't forget in a hurry. I know businesses need to make a profit, but you are also meant to project forward in business to realise the real profit.


I'll get off my soap box now

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Guest JudgeMental
Blizzard - 2009-09-30 8:29 PM


JudgeMental - 2009-09-30 7:17 PM



Brownhills "a victim of own success" absolutely priceless! *-)




May one assume that the issues run deeper than one was led to believe then :-D


Bless you Blizz! but by your own admission you only purchased your van 2 weeks ago...So IMO not really in the position yet to comment regards their after care service:-D


just go on the various free motorhome forums, register and put Brownhills in the search engine. stand well back...better still sit down and be prepared for a lot of reading *-) Warner's are concerned with litigation so a lot of brown hills threads get pulled on here.........you can also look at the brownfools website set up by an aggrieved customer ;-)

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Guest Tracker

I sympathise with your bad experience Cathy but maybe changing the name from Brownhills would have seemed like trying to hide the past?


Maybe someone at Brownhills did once upon a time think that he/she could change the leopard's spots, but proper levels of customer care comes at a cost and that cost is net profit in the short term until the business gained by first class service starts to overtake the business lost by bad experiences at which time profits will again rise.


The problem is that when a business is in debt to 'the banks' for many millions of pounds it is the banks and accountants who control the purse strings and they are only generally interested in this year's bottom line net profit.


Nevertheless in a customer service driven industry even the thickest accountant or manager should be able to see the value of the free publicity generated by hundreds of delighted customers singing the company's praises all over Europe and creating many more potential new customers.


Maybe the cost of proper customer care would be less that the cost of heavy advertising and discounted new van prices?


Or maybe not?

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I live quite near Newark and been loads of times over the years, even bought a van once!


What I have noticed on my last two visits in the last months is a distinct lack of stock. This was not due to shows, none on at the time or even in the next week. Part of their office accommodation is also up for let, they certainly appear to be running stock levels down and when asked were prepared to immediately offers discounts if you have cash rather than a PX.


To me this means trouble with cash flow. I leave you with that thought.

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Mel B - 2009-10-01 6:52 PM


It would be interesting to have a comment from Brownhills as to the state of play there at the moment. :-|


Always assuming that one could, or was naive enough, to believe what they say?

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i would like to know how many people who are bashing brownhills have actually bought anything from them. we have and may do again.we have had the rv long enough to use the warranty and service,and to be able to comment. we have had a lot worse, brownhills may get a sale from us in the future.


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Guest Tracker

Not me Phil, and neither have I bought an X250 based van or a Swift conversion because I don't need personal bad experiences when so many others have already been down that road and are kind enough to share their horror stories with us.


Now I am not saying that EVERY deal from certain dealers goes bad and I am not saying that EVERY X250 can't reverse and has unsolvable issues or that EVERY Swift is poorly designed and made (although all the new ones I've seen recently are pretty poor in my view) - BUT all the while there are alternatives why buy into potential trouble when this is supposed to be a stress free leisure pursuit - and mine is!


Meanwhile I am delighted that your experience has been positive and when enough people tell us about their positive experiences maybe the more cynical, or is that realistic, amongst us might just change our minds a bit?


Personally I have had several vans from Marquis over a good few years and have never had a duff van - never buy new though it must be said - or bad service or bad attitude or a bad deal.


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phil - 2009-10-01 9:16 PM


i would like to know how many people who are bashing brownhills have actually bought anything from them. we have and may do again.we have had the rv long enough to use the warranty and service,and to be able to comment. we have had a lot worse, brownhills may get a sale from us in the future.


Hi Phill, as this seems pointed at me, I can assure you it is because of the utterly disgusting way that brownhills treated us and dealt with our last purchase of motorhome etc, that I feel justified in making the comments. We bought more than one motorhome from them, and because they were ok the first time when we bought a second hand motorhome, we thought we could rely on them when buying a new one - wrong.


You seem to be one of the lucky ones and good luck to you, should you ever be unfortunate to have an experience like so many people (I hope you don't) you will then be able to understand how and why it effects one so badly and why comments are made.


Buying a motorhome is nothing like buying a car, it is more related to buying a property, and that means there is more stress involved if things don't go to plan. However, Brownhills acted more like a car dealer with the no intention of helping to make things easier or trying to resolve the situation.


As for 'bashing Brownhills' as you call it, they are only getting comments that they diserve from unsatisfied customers who they have shat on from a great height.




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Tracker - 2009-10-01 12:19 PM



Nevertheless in a customer service driven industry even the thickest accountant or manager should be able to see the value of the free publicity generated by hundreds of delighted customers singing the company's praises all over Europe and creating many more potential new customers.


Maybe the cost of proper customer care would be less that the cost of heavy advertising and discounted new van prices?


Or maybe not?



I've always understood that free positive advertising is priceless whereas, paid neutral advertising costs.


It's down to the type of attitude of the company bosses as to whether they are competant to compete this way. Whether they do have banks etc breathing down their necks, I've always been taught that manners which is the basis of customer service costs nothing, it's a state of mind. Also if you are unable to deal in the correct manner whether things go right or wrong with Jo public, then maybe you shouldn't be working a service industry.

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Guest JudgeMental
Vernon B - 2009-10-02 9:05 AM


Thanks for all the well intentioned, but conflicting, opinions folks. What with this and the "judder" shudder I think I'll just give up and go on a cruise!


Will the last person to leave please switch the lights off.




Seeing as we live in probably the most motorhome unfriendly country in Europe and the state of the pound against the euro, I think i'll go for a cruise as well. Have been on one to the Caribbean in 2007 and probably the best holiday we have had.

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JudgeMental - 2009-10-02 10:01 AM
Vernon B - 2009-10-02 9:05 AM Thanks for all the well intentioned, but conflicting, opinions folks. What with this and the "judder" shudder I think I'll just give up and go on a cruise! Will the last person to leave please switch the lights off. V
Seeing as we live in probably the most motorhome unfriendly country in Europe and the state of the pound against the euro, I think i'll go for a cruise as well. Have been on one to the Caribbean in 2007 and probably the best holiday we have had.

That's worth knowing if ever I need a complete break. I'm not old enough to go cruising yet but it sounds great for when I am. :-D

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Guest Tracker

We're not into cruising folks - in any of it's forms - so we'll just carry on with short breaks in the UK and longer holidays over the water in Europe with our trusty 3 year old Starlet on the reliable old Peugeot 2.2 base with the smooth riding and comfortable Alko chassis.


OK so it may not be the latest in fashion or gimmicks or have a '59' plate, but it is good to live in, well made and more or less reliable and if/when something does go wrong I either sort it myself or I pay up and let an 'expert' fix it.


As master of my own destiny and unbeholden to any warranty or manufacturer dictates I am free to carry on camping and find my own solutions to any problems to keep the van in use rather than be kept waiting for weeks for parts.


If however a new van is your thing, and I'm not knocking it - but it ain't for us, I wish you every happiness together and hope that you are one of the lucky ones not afflicted by poor quality control and bad attitude from three different sources.

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JudgeMental - 2009-10-01 12:12 PM


Bless you Blizz! but by your own admission you only purchased your van 2 weeks ago...So IMO not really in the position yet to comment regards their after care service:-D


just go on the various free motorhome forums, register and put Brownhills in the search engine. stand well back...better still sit down and be prepared for a lot of reading *-) Warner's are concerned with litigation so a lot of brown hills threads get pulled on here.........you can also look at the brownfools website set up by an aggrieved customer ;-)



I can only speak as I find and I've now had occasion to return twice with defects. On both occasions the aftercare team have bent over backwards to sort out the problems as quickly as possible. However, these have been relatively easy fixes and things may be different should something major go wrong.


At least I'm aware now of the potential of problems should the situation arise, and as they say, fore warned is fore armed.


Until such time, I can only speak highly of the North East team that dealt with our purchase,


Fingers crossed !! :-S

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