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Are there any Motorhomers out there that have any experience of this type of fridge/freezer that is fitted to my Hymer? It's the big two door one with the seperate freezer .

I am having difficulty with the amount of Gas it consumes, it seems to be excessive. The manual states that it uses 420gms / 24 hrs at the medium setting at an ambient temperature of 25o. Mine seems to use much more than this although it is difficult to measure, and I have had the system checked for leaks.

I have spoken to Thetford customer services and "Paul" couldn't have been more helpful but all he could suggest was to have the thermister resistance checked to make sure it was within the operating requirements, in case the unit was not switching off when the required temperature was reached. This is the little sensor that is clipped to the RHS of the cooling fins within the fridge part. The resistance should be between 10 and 12 ohms and mine was reading 10.78 so it was OK.

I can keep filling the bottles at home but a stay of 4-5 weeks abroad would not be possible. Any ideas as to what the problem might be or is this normal for this type of fridge/freezer?

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I have the same fridge / freezer on my Ace Airstrem 580FB and yes it doe's use more gas , there was an article on the Swift Owners Club page regarding fitting a cooling fan into the top outside vent to pull the hot air out ( there is a kit available around £35 ) I used a 12v cooling fan from an old computer and just fitted a small switch to control the fan this has made a vast difference there are 5 settings on the fridge low to high I can now run the fridge on 1 low setting so therefore using less gas the flame seems to burn for about 20mins on / 20mins off where before on a higher setting the flame seemed to be on all the time . When the fan is running it is surprising how much hot air is drawn out of the top vent.
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Thanks Kelly for the information. I have used an extractor fan in the past on an Autotrail that I had and it improved the cooling when I was abroad. In fact I still have it somewhere and will give it a try before the holidays next year.

If anyone else out there has any other experiences of this fridge/freezer they would like to share I would be delighted to hear from them.

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