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Do you keep your 'van taxed all year round?

josie gibblebucket

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Its getting near to renewal time again and its always a quandary. As ours is not really warm enough or designed for winter camping, I wonder how much use it will get over the coming months. Last year I was loathe to put it away for the winter as I knew I'd miss it, so I renewed the tax with the intention of going out for day trips. As it turned out, the weather was too wet/cold/horrible for that so it hardly moved. Whats the betting that if I declare SORN on it, we will have a milder winter. :-| :-|


Do you all keep yours taxed all year round?

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Hi Nicola!


We do now, because "Roxie" is our sole vehicle (more or less - don't count the 1968 Mini I only use locally!).


But when we had old "Hannibal," who also didn't work as a cold-weather camper, we alternated him (tax AND insurance) with an Escort - 6 months each. We always looked forward to the beginning of April, when we changed over and took him out for the first time!


By the way - being in Suffolk, are you planning to go to the Christmas market at Bury St Ed's? We're going again - last year's was excellent and there's a car park where MHs can stay overnight for free!



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Last winter we managed a trip late October and the next early March. Choosing weekends when the weather was suitable. I also like to take the vehicle for a short run at least every 6 weeks so opting out of vehicle tax is not really an option.
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Hi Tony, I thought Hannibal looked great, full of character and I bet you still have happy memories of him!

I didn't know that you could get insurance for just 6 months, I'll have to look into that, having three vehicles and only one wage at the moment is proving very costly :-S

I didn't know about the Christmas market either, you'll have to let me know the dates and where to park up, it would be good to meet you.

My hubby will be at the Cathedral in Bury this Sunday for the Harvest Festival, he always has to go and put up some pens for the Suffolk Punch, Red Poll cows and/or Suffolk sheep. I won't be there though cos he goes early and I need all the beauty sleep I can get. (lol)

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Even if you don't use it for short breaks it is not good policy to leave it dormant for months on end. I seldom use mine in winter, mainly because I'm too busy but I always take it for a fifty-mile run every four to six weeks. I wait for a nice sunny and dry day so that it doesn't get dirty and then spend a hour or two just enjoying a drive.

This stops the tyres getting flat spots, cleans the brakes and, if you have air conditioning, keeps it in good condition. Air con does not like being unused and seals dry out resulting in an expensive regassing.

Tax it and drive it is my advice and if you can combine it with a day out to somewhere nice, so much the better.

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Although we will probably only use our 'van once or twice between the end of October and start of April we keep it taxed and ready to roll. Eclipse lives in my workshop so frost is not really a problem and it occasionally proves valuable to have a second vehicle available.


Who know's maybe we'll sneak off for a couple of nights between Chrimbo and New year? We certainly couldn't do that if it was on a SORN declaration.



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We are very fortunate to have some undercover storage and also somewhere off the public highway to drive around and keep everything moving as Rupert suggests. I suppose as the van is insured until next May anyway, we might as well tax it and hope for some mild weather, but I think one of the cars will have to go. Its just too expensive to keep everything on the road. There's only two of us after all. *-)
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