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How restrictive are Max Weights?


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Quite a few MH's are plated with the 3.5t limit with an option to upgrade. Apart from the obvious (Driving Licence restriction) are there financial advanatges in Europe for staying below the 3.5t.

I am considering an A Class under 6.5m and the payloads are not fantastic.

I welcome your thoughts,



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Guest JudgeMental

Yes tolls and vignettes and travelling through Austria/Switzerland can be more expensive, also restrictions in certain towns/city's and roads. If you can manage within 3500kg its less hassle and cheaper.


an article in www.Promobil.de this month has examples from main German manufacturers of new lighter weight vans. from the likes of Dethleff, Hymer etc.... there are some A class among them, the Hymer B-CL highlight. these may offer hope of a better payload and 3500kg


and yes speed limits are different to....... *-)

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If you are chugging acros Europe with a 6 tonne A class then 90 KPH is quite fast enough. Let those in a hurry because they have to cram in a holiday between work wizz past in their under 3500 KG panel vans. You will probably see them wizzing in the other direction in a couple of weeks time.

And you have more weeks yet to play!




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We replated our Tracker EKS to 3850Kgs as we wanted to be away for several months and the original payload was just not enough. It is a trade off and I think you have to decide which is more important to you. We did and replated.


Roy Fuller

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