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Efoy Cell users


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Anyone using the EFOY fuel cell? Is it as good as the averts say?

I understand price is quite high depending on which model you choose


Can anyone give me an indication on how often the Cell Fluid requires replacing - please give examples of what you use on a regular basis





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Guest JudgeMental
I would get twin leisure batteries when you order your van.......if in use that is not enough, add a solar panel. I doubt if you will need more then this.
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Hi Tony

We have been using the efoy 1600 for the past 12 months and have just changed the first container of fuel (10 ltr ) Our MH has 2x 100ah batteries and a 125w solar panel. The efoy comes into its own and those days when you need to use the heating,its normaly cloudy. The SP does nothing and your 200 ah batt's soon discharge.Yes we are high users, tv lights, sky etc and very rare do we use hook up. We have never since useing the efoy suffered power problems.

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