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Excellent service

Tony Jones

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During our 5-week European trip, we managed to inflict a few bits of minor damage on Roxie's fittings, and also began to notice an occasional water leak after using the shower.

So we arranged to take her back to Horizons on Monday. We travelled up to Tamworth Sunday afternoon (in beautiful Autumn sunshine), slept outside the workshhop gates, then left her with them, with my "to-do" list, while we wandered off into the town. Unfortunately the "occasional water leak" wasn't showing itself.

Returned to find everything done - including the leak - and, in spite of being well out of "conversion" warranty, they only charged us for items they'd had to provide - no labour for the "bits and pieces."

So - a pat on the back for David and John at Horizons, and the bonus was more lovely Autumn sunshine while we waited, and for driving home Monday evening.

Here's the sunset at Cambridge services!


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Hi Tony, glad to hear you're happy with the service you've received but I'm intrigued by this statement: "and, in spite of being well out of "conversion" warranty," surely you've not owned this van for much more than 12 months have you? Maybe I'm getting old and forgetful but I seem to recall it was only last year that you bought this 'van. Does the conversion warranty not run for more than one year?


How's your mum getting on with the camper?



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It was March last year, ie just over 18months, during which time we've done 24k miles, including four continental trips (and we ain't retired yet!!).

It was only 12 months warranty on the conversion, but most of the stuff was wear and tear damage anyway.

They only charged me for a board I'd broken by accident (no, NOT the bed!!) and a light switch (ditto). Half a dozen other items no charge, so in this case "goodwill" is just as good as "warranty."

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