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Guest Basil
Hi All First let me say perhaps I should have said I have never had to pay on single articles I have bought from the US, quite possibly it is different if you are importing to re-sell. The information I obtained was verbally from HM Customs however I was told to reffer to the site I quoted for further information if I required it, something I have not needed to do until now as I accepted what I was told and had no reason to look as I was not charged any import duty. The information appears to come from HM Customs Document 'Common Internet Goods' where Digital camera's are FREE however other items are FREE-14% web cams for example are 4.9% Computers are FREE and Monitors are Free however TV's are 14%. So my origional understanding was from a direct conversation with HM Customs and for the articles I bought my origional information appears correct from the PDF files on that site.
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Guest Mel E
Sorry Basil, to correct your last sentence, your information was WRONG and misleading. Sure, some items have a duty rate of zero, but many do not - so it is vital to check if you don't want to get on the wrong side of a random check.
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Guest Basil
Hi Mel E, don't want to enter into semantics but my last sentance is NOT wrong please re read I said, the information for the articles I bought was correct.
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Guest Clive
I purchased an article of Amateur Radio equipment - an SGC tuner via the SGC web site as advertised in the UK's RSGB magazine Radcom. It came and is working perfectly. A few days later an invoice came from the shipper - DHL. It was for the Duty applied by MH customs and also HM Customs (not DHL) handling fee which was much larger than the duty. I read in todays press that anything dutyable with a face value of more than £18.00 WILL be charged. My saving of over a £100 turned out to be about two quid compared to purchasing in Ealing. And my warranty is with America! No mention of any duty payments or handling charges applied by HM customs was raised by anybody prior to receipt of the invoice. Lesson learnt. If you want something from across the pond its only attractive if you collect it yourself when visiting for another reason - and you don,t get challenged by customs when you come home.
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