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info on current situation at calais needed


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We stayed on the Aire at Calaisovernight on 21st September, and were amazed to hear on the radio next morning as we left Dover about the 'problems' and arrests etc which had taken place the evening we wer there....we saw or heard nothing - no immigrants, no police, even though we drove up and arrived at about 10PM.


The aire was the quietest we have seen it, probably indicating a lack of motorhomers coming to the UK, although it was very busy driving around france with lots of french and german motorhomers.


Have paqssed through/stayed at calais severaltimes in the last couple of years and never seen or found any problems.

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Keith I think that the roundup must of happened on that morning, as that was the day our Son rang and asked where we were, he had seen it on the news and was worried we had been caught up in it, but we were well away from the area at the time.
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Hi Berti,

Glad to see you're back, I assume you came over on Saturday OK. We sailed 10:20pm Friday, no problems but did notice the police with dogs giving all the lorries a good going over. Hope you had a good hol, we had 6 weeks with only 4 damp days but it has been wet all the way from Dover to Cumbria. Here's looking forward to March!

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maggyd - 2009-10-25 3:49 PM


Keith I think that the roundup must of happened on that morning, as that was the day our Son rang and asked where we were, he had seen it on the news and was worried we had been caught up in it, but we were well away from the area at the time.


I crossed to Calais on that particular morning too. I was sat in the restuarant when both my daughters phoned and were worried that I would land in the middle of it. However, I saw nothing at all and was very surprised to see the English news later in the day.


Crossing back next Saturday evening (31st) so I hope the same applies. Must admot to being a bit nervous on the way out travelling alone.


I too have had superb weather until last week when it suddenly went very cold with snow on the mountains so I winderised the m/home. Horrid day yesterday but lovely again today and apparently the forecast is really good for the week.

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