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dogs, motorhomes and public transport


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Lorna it isnt hard to find a Vet in France before you return there are a couple in Calais, the one we use is at Marquise just a few miles outside Calais near the Two Caps, I usually ring a couple of days beforehand, but I recommended it to a couple who usually go into Calais they were staying on the Aire site where we were at Escalles, they just went on speck and were seen they said it was cheaper than they usually pay in Calais.


the address:


Clinique Veterinaire

Des Caps


9 Ave Ferber tel:33321928912



It is very easy to find on the High street and convenient parking in the Carrefour Supermarket the Clinique opposite side of carpark.



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Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.

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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PM


Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.


interesting attitude.............I presume you are old? (lol)

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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PM


Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.


Quite how 15 stone of me can hide behind 5.5 stone of dog is beyond me, if I raise my voice he's the first one to run for cover.


FYI I don't have a dog because I "want to control something" I have a dog because I like his company. I clean up after him, I walk him twice a day and if its raining when we go out I towel him dry too.


Do us all a favour Bill and keep your petty prejudices to yourself.



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I am going to assume that Libby's contribution is a joke as no reasonable person can fail to understand that a dog is one of the great pleasures in life. So no need to justify why we have them, just to say the rant made me laugh and then pat the dog with a smile on my face!
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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PM


Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.



GET LOST rather be licked by a dog than someone as poisonous as you!! >:-(

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LORNA - 2009-11-01 10:07 AM


I am going to assume that Libby's contribution is a joke as no reasonable person can fail to understand that a dog is one of the great pleasures in life. So no need to justify why we have them, just to say the rant made me laugh and then pat the dog with a smile on my face!


Your very generous Lorna :-D but these people with a chip on their shoulder KEEP popping up from time to time! well Im afraid I dont turn the other cheek! they should keep their opinions to themselves unless they are asked for.

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I share your bewilderment and frustration as a dog-lover, animal-lover and someone who tries to find the simple things in life the most pleasurable. What could be content than a dog, some Autumn sunshine, a van to take you wherever the land is beautiful and like-minded people to talk to! Thanks for your support!
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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PM


Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.


Matron..........................I think his medication has worn off................

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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PM


Don't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?


There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!


People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.


Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.


So Bill, you were obviously deprived as a child and not allowed a dog ... and have therefore convinced yourself that you never wanted one in the first place because they are horrible ... never mind. We'll pity you whilst our lovely furry little beasties give us hours of entertainment and company. :-D

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So do dogs look like their motorhomes? Hmmm! My dog is a scruffy little jack russell/patterdale cross - small but fun - guess my favourite van from there on . . .

And once again thanks for all the excellent dog and (motor) home tips - they are invaluable.

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LORNA - 2009-10-28 9:06 AM  Think the idea of having a shower head for the dog is inspired. How did you get this done - was it a garage job or DIY? Here's to Autmn walks and planning for the next tour in the motorhome!

Can't take credit for this I'm afraid as it was already fitted by the previous owner (I think for sluicing sand off when abroad).  It was fitted by Broad Lane Caravans, I think.


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libby - 2009-10-31 11:31 PMDon't do dogs. Won't go near them. Why have a dog. Why hide behind a dog?There's a lady near us that allows a dog to lick her face. Does she never think what it licked last!People who have dogs just want to control something. They're not strong enough to walk down the road on their own without trailing a dog behind.Ban all dogs from public places I say. Some countries eat them.


What a strange thing; to post such a vicious, vitrolic attack on canines and their owners!  There must be many on the forum who, for their own reasons, don't have a dog but accept that not everyone is the same as them. 

Only this one person who feels so strongly that they need to 'spit venom'; my advice would be to return to the  therapy sessons as soon as possible, how sad to have to carry this terrible anger around with you.


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Hi everybody.


Some interesting comments, I speak quite openly and am allowed my opinion. Yes I always had dogs on our farm for hunting. I ride and race bicycles now and you can say whatever you like about them, its only your opinion.


Regarding dogs in the Motorhome which was the original comment I'm quite content to not be involved with them, my time is fully occupied otherwise. I still stand by my original comments and am not frightened to say so, its only an opinion about a single subject, it has nothing to do with my personality.


Like a previous post on who chooses the Motorhome, a personal opinion. I base my opinions on over 80 years of living, and making a study of human pastimes.


I simply aviod dogs, nothing wrong in that, but it does upset and offend some but why should it, one wonders? I don't mind if you hate bicycles.


At the moment we're in the M/H parked up in Cornwall facing gales coming off the sea.


It was suggested I keep my views to myself, I was merely making a comment like others on this forum, that's what its for. Perhaps some questions should be forbidden.


Perhaps I should make a heading "Bicycles in the Motorhome and fighting modern traffic" I bet someone would soon say 'they're dangerous and serves you right if you get run over' OK its only an opinion same as the dog one.


Why pose a question and then complain at the replies.


If anyone feels that angry then I suggest you ask the moderators to remove me.



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Bill, I wasn't bothered about your comments that you don't want a dog, as you say you are entitled to your opinion. What I found offensive in your posting was the assertion that all dog owners had them only to be in control of another creature and felt the need to hide behind their dog.


That was the petty prejudice I suggested you to keep to yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the original thread subject and is simply an attack and inflammatory comment by you on a large part of the population in general and more specifically the population of this forum.



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If you are still reading this thread Libby, I wish you well on your trip to Cornwall and on the trips out on your bike. Your comments to my original queries were in no way practical or helpful or supportive and I believe that that is the purpose of a forum such as this. I wasn't asking for opinions on the value of keeping a dog so really can't see why you put time into a reply that was at best irrelevant to my question. The people on this forum have been unfailingly positive and helpful whenever I have asked for help. Except for you. Pity. Still all the best and enjoy your travels.
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davenewell@home - 2009-11-03 6:11 AM  I wasn't bothered about your comments that you don't want a dog, as you say you are entitled to your opinion.


Similarly, I would strongly defend your right to your opinion.  What offended me was the vicious, vitriolic and predudiced way in which you voiced that opinion.  Just because you prefer not to keep a dog (or, it seems, socialise with anyone who does like dogs), does not give you the right to launch such an attack on those that do!  I would have hoped that 'in 80 years' you would have learnt some manners and self restraint.


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What a wonderful language in which we are privelaged to take part. The whole exercise was of course tonge in cheek as many hinted. the number 80 was indicated but no one really knows who or what the 'poster' is. Or indeed if I do actually own a dog licence!


It was interesting to note that the number of readers topped 600, quite good I would suggest and perhaps points the way towards more thought provoking subjects.


It also indicates that the excercise is very one sided ie; "for the dog" No one was brave enough to add a comment against the dog.


I'm in the process of contributing another thought provoking subject but on Chaterbox this time or I shall be sternly reminded.


Thankyou all for your comments. The subject is now closed. Bill.

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davenewell@home - 2009-11-03 7:11 AM Bill, I wasn't bothered about your comments that you don't want a dog, as you say you are entitled to your opinion. What I found offensive in your posting was the assertion that all dog owners had them only to be in control of another creature and felt the need to hide behind their dog. That was the petty prejudice I suggested you to keep to yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do with the original thread subject and is simply an attack and inflammatory comment by you on a large part of the population in general and more specifically the population of this forum. D.

Here here Dave, excellant comment !!!

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libby - 2009-11-05 1:35 PM It also indicates that the excercise is very one sided ie; "for the dog" No one was brave enough to add a comment against the dog.

OK Bill, it was 'tongue in cheek' fair enough, I've met people like you before lol I don't mind if you come clean (As you have) I don't like it when people really try to wind up others and don't admit to it.

You said no one was brave enough to speak against the dog, but why should anyone who considers themselves human do so? Perhaps you will permit me to quote a part of Lord Byrons (longer) tribute to his beloved dog Boatswain.

Beauty without vanity, strength without insolence, courage without ferocity, and all the virtues of man without his vices


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