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Hi folks  I know this has been covered before but the search facility isn't working (again?). Can anyone direct me or have info/experience of re-chipping the van to give better performance/power/fuel consumption? Thanks in advance.


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Similarly had the motor in my Landrover boostsed, that also did in the clutch which had to be replaced by a military version.


Read only this week a motorhome owner in Spain with a large Sprinter based motorhome. He bought it with one previous owner. The engine went BANG with a hole in a piston and damage to the bore. It was a complete replacement engine and after the repatriation costs were added the bill was EU11000. The vehicle was said to be still in warranty but when Mercedes inspected the engine they found it had been chipped (add on box still fitted) so gave no warranty. No doubt the company selling the box were by then no longer trading.


I had an offer at a show to have ours chipped but have declined. Whats the rush?


The latest getout is selling us customers the kit to re-map the engine ourselves, Then if the engine goes BANG who did it?


Is it really worth it?






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Agree with Clive - if you wanna go faster - buy a van with a bigger engine!


If that ain't fast enough maybe it's time to question your driving style whilst in the van?


I can live very happily with 110 bhp in the 3.5 tonne motorhome but really enjoy the 174bhp of my small and less than half that weight car - and even better I can separate the two experiences enough to just enjoy the slower speed ride experience!


And I'm not known for my light right foot - it's all in the mind!

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Some one at the Lincoln show was flogging the re-chipping so I questioned him about warranty, Untraceable was his reply so I asked if me engine went pop would you stand the repair bill never got another word out of him...I mentioned the story of a fella mashing his pistons up after having a remap ...he walked away...if it's that good having a remap why don't Fiat/Peugeot do em at the Dealerships if you want a bit more humph


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messerschmitt owner - 2009-10-27 7:50 AM


mercedes do a remap for the smart car as a factory extra! Manufacturors do do it - it's why some cars with the same engine have 80bhp and others have 100 or 120 with no other changes.


I just think on the m/h that it isn't worth it!


Just because the engine appears to be same but with different power outputs doesn't mean it is the same. Different injectors, pistons, bearings etc are often fitted. However that doesn't mean that chipping should be avoided; just be aware that there can be potential problems like using full power for extended periods on long climbs in hilly country.


Bill Ord

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