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A wee bit of advice please


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I am onto my second motor home now so still learning. I want to buy a winter cover, any suggestions as to make and style(half size/full size.


Second point is that whilst my van is less than a year old I had a flat battery recently and my dealer replaced it foc. My previous van sat over the winter and started first time in March, it was a Ford, is it the case that I will have to turn the engine over every week with nmy new van which is a Fiat or is there another option.


Any help greatly appreciated

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I will leave advice on covers to those that have some knowledge or experience. As for the FIAT battery, what do you have running off it when not in use e.g. Alarm etc. ?


I am on my third van which is a FIAT. When it is not being used on a regular basis I tend to have to turn over the engine for about 20 minutes every 3 weeks. my van is just over 5 years old.

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The new Fiat seems to drain batteries so you need to keep it topped up, my preferance is a solar panel but not if you put a cover on.

Engines do not like being unused for months, the oil drains down, water condensates inside and they corrode on inside, not good, also on startup theres a few more seconds with no oil, I think it's best to keep van on the road. With the more expensive aircraft engines we fully inhibit them for winter.

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bazooka - 2009-10-27 8:54 PM


I have a transit camper if left standing for about two weeks the batterie goes flat,this has occured from new,I think it's due to the alarm system and electrical management etc.I plug into mains every week or so or give it a run.


You don't say which model of Transit you've got, but my Mk 6-based Hobby, with no alarm running, seems (as one might reasonably expect) to use hardly any battery power when the vehicle is standing idle for long periods. During the winter months I normally put the thing on charge every month or 6 weeks (basically when I remember), but there's never any indication that it really needs it.

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On a previous 'van I had a satellite navigation system built into the radio (a Blaupunkt system). I found out the hard way that even with it switched off it drained the battery because it was not wired through the ignition and was forever checking the satellite positions. Only by fitting a cut-off switch could I overcome the problem but still enjoy the radio with the ignition off. Could this be the cause of your problem?
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The Peugeot X250 handbook recommends the removal of the battery if vehicle is left in excess of a month. I have had the battery go indicator show "Low" once in the last 12 months which also seemed to be the only time I forgot to switch the fridge off from the 12V even though its a fully manual as opposed to an auto select fridge. However I always take the van out on the road for a run at least every three weeks, also the air con should be run.
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