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Motorhome with 3 front seats?


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We passed one on the road the other day with three people sitting in the front. I remarked on how unusual this was to herself but, naturally, omitted to notice the breed of the machine in question. They do exist, I would imagine at the cost of making acces to the rear very awkward.



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We used to have one 26 years ago! it was a conversion on a long wheel base transit - it was brill as a friend of ours met up with us and we could all sit in the front and chat while we travelled up to Holland from Greece. Possibly a bespoke one could be retro fitted in a van that has the handbreak on the door side (which most seem to now), only down side of course is that with a bench seat ,going through to the back of the van from the front is awkward, unless you are still agile that it!
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I had a secondhand Transit converted which had the double passenger seat in the cab (the handbrake is still on the left by the way, between the driver and passenger seats). I managed to find a matching single seat in very good condition and fitted it (had to buy a set of bolts from Ford dealer). Then found I was required to carry daughter with friends/boyfriend so had to refit double seat. Single seat is now an extra perch in my lounge!

As mentioned difficult to pass to rear of van, well I can't at all in mine so have to get out and enter by side door.


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Year 2000-onwards Transit Mk 6 chassis-cab models were fitted as standard with three cab seats, each with a 3-point lap and diagonal seat-belt, and it's likely that the current Transit Mk 7 is the same. Obviously (as has already been observed) this seat configuration on a motorhome would prevent direct access from cab to living-area. However, it should be possible - at least with Transits - to obtain the necessary parts from a Ford dealer to convert a 2-seater cab on a Transit-based motorhome to a 3-seater quite simply. I strongly suspect that the cost of such a conversion using new parts would be extremely off-putting.
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Going from the back of the van wouldn't be any problem with us.


We are in late 30's.


Travelling a long trip with my husband all alone in the front and me and our little boy in the back would be bit booring.

And also you cannot see the scenery so well when you don't sit in the front.


Thank you very much for all your answers.


If you have any more ideas please let me know.



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All the common base vehicles are available with a 3-seat cab, so if buying new I'm sure you can specify it.

Rare on the used MH market though, as for the "access" reasons cited above most people just want 2 singles.

I'm guessing that the fittings exist in the cab floors for both options, so you could probably buy a double seat (new or scrapyard) & set of belts (NEW!) which would bolt in as straight replacements.

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Shouldn't be, as long as (a) you tell them up front and (b) you use manufacturers parts for a straight swap (assuming fitting points are present as I mentioned above).

I suppose they might insist that a franchised dealer does the swap, or checks it afterwards. But with insurers, who can tell? They're just as likely to say "It's OK as long as it's not blue" or "As long as there's an R in the month" !!

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Is it me you have seen.

When we travel with our grandchild, she is fastened in her car seat in the passenger seat, i sit on our plastic step with a cushion on it, based in the middle of the seats, hubby driving.

Drawback no back support cushion, i tend to lean on the side of either seat.

Being able to see traffic infront of us, i feel safer than sitting in the back where i could be thrown to the front from the back, should anything happen.

We have no rear forward facing seats.

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Sorry carebare, I just cannot agree with what you are doing. Now I realise you said you have no rear forward facing seats, but if the driver had to brake suddenly and then swerve to avoid something you could be thrown into them and he/she loses control of the vehice... far safer to be thrown about in the back.

However! What I suggest is you look for a dual seat for your van, most vans have the option and they are often readily available secnd hand. Agree access into the back is all but cut off, but the comfort of a proper and safe seat will make up for it. I am also not so sure about the legality of what you are doing, but that is irrelavent when safety is an issue. Fit a dual seat with belts, you will be doing yourself and everyone else a favour and improving your comfort.

Please! give it some thought, your little one does not want to lose her carebear.


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I'm pretty sure that Brambles' concern about the illegality of what you are doing is well-founded. I'm also confident that the company that insures your motorhome would have a fit if you mentioned your travelling arrangements to them and, if you hadn't told them what you are doing and were injured in the event of an accident, would be very unsympathetic claim-wise.

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carebear - 2009-10-30 10:53 PM


Is it me you have seen.

When we travel with our grandchild, she is fastened in her car seat in the passenger seat, i sit on our plastic step with a cushion on it, based in the middle of the seats, hubby driving.

Drawback no back support cushion, i tend to lean on the side of either seat.

Being able to see traffic infront of us, i feel safer than sitting in the back where i could be thrown to the front from the back, should anything happen.

We have no rear forward facing seats.


Surely sitting on your side facing seats , I presume you have those, is safer than sitting between the front seats.

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The chances are Carebear that at any crash over 20-25MPH you're momentum will catapult your through the windscreen and either you'll end up on the road infront of your own van or crushed between it and whatever is in front of it. The forces acting on your body will make you so heavy that there isn't a cat in hells chance of you bracing yourself or holding on to any furniture to stop the forward movement.


I've seen a crash where someone didn't have their seatbelt on when they were in the middle of a front bench seat. They didn't stand a chance.


Sorry if this sounds a bit brutal but your grandchild seeing its' grandma die will be far more brutal should the unthinkable happen.

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Carebear, I must agree with all that has been said. If you are injured in an accident, you will not be insured on our motorhome insurance or probably any life insurance policy you have. As you are not 'safely' fastened in, you are also putting the others at risk - if there was a side impact you could easily smash into your grandchild (doesn't bear thinking about what injuries you could cause to either of you), or your husband.


If your husband had to swerve, even slightly, for whatever reason, you could be seriously injured, and by you smacking into him you could cause him to veer more than he would have, he would also be distracted by you being injured and lose his concentration ... quite apart from the obvious injuries, you again are all likely not to be covered by insurance, and your van more than likely wouldn't be either as you were willingly not using it as it was intended.


I realise that when you put your posting on you had the best of intentions, but now that you're made it known what you are doing I'm afraid I can't condone it for your own sake as well as your husband, grandchild, and anyone else who may be on the road near you at the time. It isn't that unlikely that your husband may have to swerve or break hard either, we've had to do it several times when the nutters cut us up because they think we're slow and shoot out of junctions in front of us, or try to 'slip' inbetween us and the car in front.


Please reconsider ... :-|

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