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steering wheel.


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The steering wheel, airbag or not, is part of the safety of the vehice in a collision affording protection from impact on the steering shaft etc.

If you change it, you risk being spiked by the steering column, or the wheel itself...your insurance company would also not be happy if the replacemnet wheel resulted in injuries in a collision.

The steering wheel is part of the homologation of the vehice allowing it meet certain safety standards. I woud just leave well alone, after all you do not look at the steering wheel when you are driving, and when parked up I am sure you also have better things to do than admire a polished wood steering wheel.

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Replacing a road-vehicle's steering wheel with a different one normally involves a multi-part approach. Once the original steering wheel has been removed, an adapter 'boss' is attached to the top of the steering column. This boss links to the vehicle's horn-actuating mechanism and can (usually) accept a variety of steering wheel designs, shapes and sizes. There is also often the opportunity to fit different central horn-buttons to match the make of vehicle and/or the driver's preferences.


I remember 'detachable' steering wheels being marketed back in the late-1990s for Boxers/Ducatos and I'm pretty sure the adapter-bosses could accept various designs of wheel including wood-rim ones. I can't be sure of the make of wheel involved, though it might have been "Momo".


Detachable steering wheels for motorhomes can still be obtained, but I don't know if the adapter-boss used is multi-purpose or specific to one design of wheel. You could try contacting the following supplier to check this out:




It's easy enough to obtain 'fixed' replacement steering wheels. (See below for an example)




The problem would be finding an adapter-boss that would fit your Boxer's steering column and ensuring that the final result was acceptable. There's the risk that an adapter + wheel combination could foul steering column switches and/or that the size and shape of the replacement wheel varied so much from the original's that the vehicle's driving position, control operation and view of dashboard instruments would be badly compromised.


I'm no fan of wood-rim steering wheels. I've had them on cars in the dim, distant past. They are hard on the hands and get slippery and grimy. Eventually the varnish comes off and they tend to split with age. In the event of an accident, they offer none of the protection provided by an original-equipment 'soft' wheel designed to cushion a driver's anatomy. I'm doubtful you'll be able to get one for a 1998 Boxer, but - even if you can - I'd advise against it.


(Why don't you get one of those stick-on wood-veneer dashboard kits instead? They aren't controversial safety-wise and offer a sort of Olde Worlde look that might appeal to your wife.)

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thanks for the replies, firstly no the van does not have an air bag, secondly

i would not require cheap stick on veneer dash as the dash already is factory veneered, thirdly i am aware of the implications of retro fitting steering wheels to cars as i did it over many years of rallying. it is a good point tho' that wooden wheels are in the event of an accident not as soft as the original. also size, probably the main reason to change would be the wheel size. on this model the wheel , when in 5th gear is really to close to the gear lever for comfort just the width of the hand at the knuckles between also the indicator being on a short stick is awkward to get at , easiest way being from inside the wheel, not great , derek thanks for the heads up on marcle leasure, i have cotacted them re. their snap off wheels size etc . maybe that can be an answer. again thanks

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Many years ago I dealt with an outfit called Mountney products who produced a large range of wheels and boss kits. I know they are still going and one of their main agents is called Merlin motor sport, if you google them you should get their web site. Would doubt their is a listing for your van but am sure if you telephoned they would have an answer. As you have no airbag they make a good product that has been around since the mid 70's and is widely used on competition cars.
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rupert123 - 2009-11-02 10:56 PM


Many years ago I dealt with an outfit called Mountney products who produced a large range of wheels and boss kits. I know they are still going and one of their main agents is called Merlin motor sport, if you google them you should get their web site. Would doubt their is a listing for your van but am sure if you telephoned they would have an answer. As you have no airbag they make a good product that has been around since the mid 70's and is widely used on competition cars.

cheers rupert, now you mention it i had a mountney wheel on an old twink i used to rally, i will try them cheers
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