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Camping car infos.com and your input


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www.campingcar-infos.com as most people know is a very good site and so useful. To keep it even more useful I would like to urge everyone to add comments on aires they have visited. English language comments are always welcomed as they may give a different perspective. so what are you waiting for
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Here is a how to for posting comments and or photos

My french is very poor but having a click round found that if you go to the aire that you want to comment on . Scroll down to the bottom and there are three buttons, to add a comment click the middle one ajouter un commentaire. This will take you to a page where you can add your comments (don't forget to click the button for non french speaking at the top centre of the page). You will need to put your name (I always use fjmike) and your email address is required for anti-spam purposes and kept confidential. Once you are happy with your comments (best re read it just in case as I wouldn't have a clue how to edit it afterwards) click on the button Enregistrer.


To add photos as before go to the aire that you want to add photos to scroll down to the bottom of the page , this time click on the right hand button marked ajouter une photo. Google translate gave me the following translation;-

Attention maximum size 80 KB,

and jpg image format only

Thank you verify that your photo has a maximum size of 640x480 pixels


The ideal size is 400X300 pixels in jpg format

After noting the above , click on the browse button to find your chosen photo. As before email is required for antispam purposes and is kept confidential. Next click on button Envoi de fichier to send your photo.


Hope this helps


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As far as I know, once you've submitted an entry to campingcar-infos you can't edit it yourself. In the website's early days, when the site was small and there were no separate non-French language sections, I used to be very active when it came to adding information. If I did make a mistake then I used to e-mail the Webmaster (Bruno Moquette) and ask him to correct my errors.
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On-line translators are handy for getting the gist of something written in a foreign language, but (in the case of the campingcar-infos website), if you use one to translate your in-English entry into French and then just shove the result into the website's in-French section, there's a fair chance it will be gibberish to a French reader.


If you've got very limited French, you are probably better off sticking to English and entering your comments into the non-French section.


I remember one in-Italian comment that was quite short but, despite my very best efforts with on-line translators and a dictionary, I never managed to decipher what the chap was on about.

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Have to agree with Derek about the online translators, they are handy for getting the gist of what someone is posting but not too reliable. My personal preference is Google translate which I find quite easy to use. Getting back on to the subject of this thread, the whole reason that I posted it was to encourage people to post comments on aires they have visited in ENGLISH. This would make a great site even better and perhaps a little easier for those of us that struggle with our French. So why is everyone waiting, its pouring with rain, theres naff all worth watching on the box, so get and write a few comments
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As fjmike says posting in English on cc-infos is really straightforward. Have just put comments on for five aires we have visited this year with no problems at all. Will put some more on later. More of a challenge is to put some comments on in French that French speakers will understand; feel I ought to try however, as it is a French web site and main users are French speakers. (Maybe I will leave this for another day!)

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