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Driving a left hand drive in UK


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Is there anything you can get to remind you where you are suposed to be on the road when you do this? I get the idea of being by the kerb in Europe (where we have driven in RHD) and being in the middle of the road (driver) when in UK. BUT if sometimes you are in one position in the UK with a RHD car and sometimes in the other LHD vehicle couldn't you be tempted to forget at say junctions in either.
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I find that I, more or less, have no problem, in that I tend to follow the bloke in front quite naturally. If there is no one else about, and especially at junctions, it can be a bit more confusing, but if you do set off on the wrong side in these circumstances, you may be assured that the next vehicle to hove into view as they come towards you will let you know, probably quite forcefully, and not always with a cheery smile and a wave of understanding, in plenty of time to get back onto the correct side of the road. After a while it becomes normal and you don't even think about it.

They are especially used to it near the Channel Ports, they almost expect it.



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One tip is to never park up for the night or in fact anytime really on the wrong side of the road, it is too easy especially after a night sleep and not much traffic about to set off the wrong way!!


I knew a lorry driver who did exactly that years ago in France and was killed in the head on smash.


Regards Pat

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I don't think you need worry about it. If you concentrate very hard for the first couple of days it becomes second nature. I have driven both and now have a LHD Autotrail which we also use in the UK. It is more the width and length which takes a bit of getting used to, and I would suggest initially you try and stick to main roads, it is the narrower side roads when you can be momentarily confused which side to be on. I try to remember that in Europe the kerb will always be on my right whether driving LHD or RHD.
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Poppy - 2009-11-06 7:57 AM Is there anything you can get to remind you where you are supposed to be on the road when you do this? I get the idea of being by the kerb in Europe (where we have driven in RHD) and being in the middle of the road (driver) when in UK. BUT if sometimes you are in one position in the UK with a RHD car and sometimes in the other LHD vehicle couldn't you be tempted to forget at say junctions in either.

I think you're worrying too much.  I know we are all different, but the main thing about driving in UK, is that it is familiar.  You will start most journeys on familiar roads, so there is little tendency to veer to the wrong side just because the vehicle is LHD.  In fact, even in a LHD vehicle, I would say there is a greater risk of driving on the left in Europe, than trying to drive in the right in UK.  I would even say that after a few thousand miles in a RHD vehicle in Europe one is at greater risk of driving on the right in UK than if one has been driving a LHD vehicle.  The reason, I guess, is that it requires a greater mental effort to keep right in the familiar RHD "shopping" vehicle, than when driving a slightly less familiar LHD motorhome.  Besides, as said above, there are all those other people around to copy, and there seem to be VERY few traffic free roads in UK!!! :-)

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I find that driving on the right has crippled my instinctive "default left". And my wife is the same.


"Occasional scream of "Which side am I supposed to be on?" And that is months after returning to UK.


I see you have also met that stupid HGV driver in France. It sometimes takes a couple of seconds to realise that its not him thats stupid.



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I currently drive a RHD vehicle which does the bulk of its annual mileage abroad. So far no problem, if in doubt one of us will say "bum in the gutter!!" as a reminder if the Sat Nav is not on.


I'm currently looking at a selection of German vans and the chances are the "new" van will be LHD. I've driven loads of different LHD hire cars abroad with no problem, maybe its because I'm left handed that I'm used to using things the otherway round. Often on long winter jaunts to Spain I've hired a car and been backwards and forwards in a hire car, then van, then car again with no problems.


What does bother me a little is driving a LHD in the UK, this I've only so far done once on a test drive and found the experience uncomfortable and strange. But hey ho, nothing ventured.....

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As I said in my earlier posting, I really don't find it much of a problem, but I have a cautionary tale to tell.


Last year the family had to go to Ireland for a family wedding. We decided that my wife and niece would fly to Dublin, and my son and I would take the car accross on the fast ferry, pick them up in O'Connell Street, and drive to Galway.

Now I'm one of those bigheaded sods who think I can drive anything anywhere, but I would never admit that. I drove to Ireland in my RHD Audi, the one in which I drive for about 1000 miles per week on the busiest roads in the UK. I am so completely at home and relaxed when driving that car, especially on roads where we drive on the left.


During the four days and 400 miles that I drove in Ireland, not once, but five times I found myself "naturally" driving on the right hand side of the road.


I can only think that I was conditioned to think that if you've made the crossing in a car ferry then you drive on the right.



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