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Halogen Ovens anyone?

Vernon B

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Apparently these are getting good reviews and in terms of cost, size and weight appear to offer us motorhomers some attractions, albeit only when on hook-up. From the little I've read there is not much information given about how many Watts they consume, so does anyone have any personal experience?



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A friend of mine has one at home and he swears by it ..he reckons since he's had it he hasn't used his "proper" oven at all had a look at them myself but by the look of them at peak the consume 1300 watts which is around 5-6 amps so some of these lower amperage could be a bit iffy!!
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We've just bought an 'induction' hob and it's brilliant. Heats up real fast and the surface of the plate stays cold. You do need utensils with a magnetic (ferrous) bottom though. Details here http://www.whatprice.co.uk/household/induction-hobs.html

We use a small halogen oven I bought from Lidll for cooking the part baked baguettes we buy in bulk to save continually buying bread and it does the job a treat.

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Hello. Err, yes, but no!


We have the previous design where the heater was an electric element not a halogen heat source. We got it a few years ago when it was sold as an" Ausie cooker."


It does what it says on the lable. We have used it, and still do, but as, we think, the correct tool for the job. ie chop and change with a convential fan oven. (No gas in this part of Norfolk)


It is cheaper to run than our oven, using less power for a shorter time. the down side is that it takes up space to store and use and will have to be cleaned after each use.


Are we pleased with it? yes - for the motorhome? no. It is the "space" thing.


We do have a small slow cooker, now that is worth the space. Set it up in the morning, go out for a walk and return to a van that is warm with food ready to go!



Hope this helps.

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