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Maplins sat receiver / radio


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I use the maplins satellite receiver for listening to the radio, but only through the TV. This means I'm using / wasting possibly 2 amps of my precious battery power. How do I do this more efficiently ? I seem to remember steve (from homeandaway, I think) once posted something about his set-up but can't remember which forum it was on.

All advice gratefully received.



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I bought a DAB radio from Argos Clearance on eBay earlier this year. It runs off mains or battery (4 "C" cells) and has performed brilliantly in our van. Doesn't take up much room in the locker either.


It's pink but you can't have everything :-D - and at least it's not a wishy washy pink :-D For just under 14 quid it was well worth the money.



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Not a lot of use abroad though Graham. In our last 'van I set up a separate amp and speakers for the satellite receiver. We used these to listen to UK radio via the sat receiver when in Germany and Holland also for the soundtrack to any TV we watched, much better sound quality than the tiny, tinny speakers in the TV set. consumed less power than the TV for listening to the radio.



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