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Guest Clive
I must say I am happy that this forum does NOT have private emails or personal messages. This is good as it stops "cliques", and open and closed conversations. At least anything that is said is here for all to read and all to comment on. No "behind the scenes" scandal mongering going on. Personal information requested is limited as well. I hope that Google searches don't throw up personal information from this site like it does some others. I ticked most of the boxes. We shall see! What say you?
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Guest fjmike
I can see your point Cliveabout PMs and such like but sometimes it is handy if you need to chat to someone off topic. Like you I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the personal info
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Guest Basil
I am totally with Clive on this one particularly the PM bit. I am of the opinion that on certain sites that have that facility there is background 'ganging up' to goad members who post, at least on here people agree and disagree in the open even if sometimes it is a bit caustic!
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Guest Brian Kirby
I agree with Clive. If you do want to pursue some narrower interest with someone else in private via e-mail, you can always post your e-mail address to them via the forum. The exposure is limited and most people are reasonable with their responses - at least they were when I did this a while back. I didn't get even a single irrelevant response, let alone spams etc. May be a bit of a risk: it just depends how badly you want to carry on the chat "off forum" as to whether you take it! Regards Brian
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Guest Mel B
If you really want to have a chat 'of forum' then just open an email account for that purpose, a yahoo account for instance, and then you can keep your 'proper' account safe and secure.
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