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Mud - nearly stuck again


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Is ther such an accessory on the market for traction assistance (portable tracks) that could help. We have some flimsy yellow plastic tracks but is there something more substantial.

We tend not to use Campsites usually CL sites and have come close to getting stuck a couple of times

Thoughts please



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there have been many discussions on this over the years, unfortunately the 'search' function seems kaput - again.

part of your problem could simply be that the weight is not over your drive wheels, many vans are on FWD bases - with all the weight hanging over the back axle - nightmare in waiting.


you can get rubber matting and make your own grip tracks, it was possible to buy ready made heavy duty tracks but I think they were pretty expensive - many people swear by bread trays except that they aren't easy to get hold of. but you need to put these things down first before you get stuck *-)


You could also try fitting winter tyres - even if only on drive wheels - [but see comment above about weight distribution]. We have alsway fitted winter tyres to drive wheels - and they seem ok


good luck - try the 'search' function - it may come back to life for you *-)

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If you regularly get stuck on wet grass then perhaps your next van should be rear wheel drive and even better twin rear tyres each side. Then you have 2/3 of the weight over 2/3 of the tyres which are all driven.

Tranny RWD base for example. Or Iveco, VW or Merc.





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We have a pair of GripTracks - different to the yellow mats with a similar name.


These are plastic wedges like a rope ladder and are more expensive although I have seen cheaper versions on sale recently.


We haven't needed to use them yet as we try to find CL's and CS's with hardstandings in the winter (tho' the listed hardstandings at some sites aren't always accessible for motorhomes :-( )


We always park on rubber mats or wooden blocks when going onto grass pitches and test the ground before parking up.



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Thanks everyone for your comments, although the wife thought changing the van is a little extreme (I thought it was a good suggestion but it appears to not have the same effect on her) I have opted for the cheapest way out and use Bread Crates, however I have seen the video on the Grip Tracks and it may be possible that Santa Claus may read my wish list later.

We live in hope,

Thanks again,


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It's cut down bread crates for me, if on grass I use them EVERY time (no matter how much 'you'll never get stuck here' i hear. And I have never got stuck. they don't take up much space,and are easily washed clean.

It's being parked for 8 hours or so in the same place on grass,the wheels sink in, and can't 'climb' out. So, park on something that spreads the load, plywood, a bit of 'chequer plate' alloy, bread crates, or 'Grip Track'

Then no problems ! :D :D

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I have 4 pieces of ply wood. If it’s wet then the front wheels are parked on the 2 pieces of the ply wood. when I want to drive off the pitch I then place the spare 2 pieces in front of the wheels works every time. As previous post, once the front wheels have bedded into soft ground it is difficult to get forward traction
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Sorry gentlemen but as a female I have two queries:


1. How do you cut down the bread crates please (I do have some) and to what size? I assume that I would position the yellow tracks over these?


2. I thought that the Michelin Camping tyres were actually all-year tyres so that winter tyres are not necessary?


Advice would be received gratefully.



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The crates have sides and need to be cut down, i used a power jigsaw, they are made of hard plastic and cut very easily. I don't alter the 'base' size. 4 fit over each other and take up no more room than a small chair.

One thing, although these things are found laying around (in carparks,washed up on beaches,rivers etc.,) officially they are owned by somebody, they usually have the 'bakers' name on them somewhere.

My advice would be 'Remove the name'. I was given mine by an Hotel owner. But it would be difficult to 'Prove title'. They do work fine though.I put my Ramps over the crate, but secure it with tent peg to stop it sliding when being driven up.


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