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New site

Yorkshire Tyke

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Guest Yorkshire Tyke
I have had a look at the new site But not yet logged on Question about the various sections Will there be any reder input into the sections on walking and touring Or is it just the motorhome section that will have a forum?
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Guest Warners
Rest assured, all areas of the site will have a place on the new forum (as they do now). Aditionally, some news stories will encourage user feedback (with features such as polls, feedback forms and "Top 10" votes).
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Guest Mel B
Another couple of queries for Warners: 1) is there going to be a Cash Mart (as on the old site) where you can list your bits and pieces of paraphanalia for sale (no charge for adversing), if it's there I can't find it! 2) I wish the list of items had a bit of space between each one, as on the old forum, it's difficult to read them with them being so close together, when scanning down the list, they blur into one another a bit! 3) Are there any plans for you to be able to mark which ones you are interested in (not the 'notification by email' bit) so that when you come back to the forum you don't have to keep scanning down the list for the ones that you're interested in. Being able to mark them in some way would really save a lot of time which could then be better spent looking at the newer listings and offering advice as and when needed.
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Guest Yorkshire Tyke
When I asked about "Reader Input" I will refraise Are ALL the articles going to be by your Journalist's OR Are the readers going to be encouraged to input touring articles AND photo's??????????/
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Guest Eagleyes
Hi, As you know, MMM has built its reputation, credibility and circulation on continuous interaction with its loyal reader base. The new website will enable us to deepen the magazine's relationship with its readers and provide even greater opportunities for feedback. Rest assured, we will continue to welcome considered contributions and quality pictures from readers. Regards EE
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