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Radio via Sky?

Pat P

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Guest Yorkshire Tyke
Hi Pat P You can get BBC antwhere in the world using the internet You could try the World Service - I think the frequencies are given in Radio Times
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Guest naittaw
The cost of getting onto the internet to listen to Radio when abroad is a bit steep is it not ? Yes, radio is available via satellite.
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Guest Clive
Its also available on long or medium wave with a half decent HF radio and a bit of wire slung up a tree! Totally non digital and no ongoing cost.
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Guest bigfoot
Some European cities have the World Service available on FM. For example when I was in the Czech it was available in Prague.
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Guest Mel E
If you can get satellite TV then you can get all the radio channels that are also broadcast by satellite. The only problem is that the TV has to be switched on.
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Guest Norma
Trouble is you can't get The Archers on the World Service! To avoid flattening the battery by using the TV to listen to the raido look for a 'Belkin FM Tunecaster' (on ebay). You plug this transmitter into 'audio out' of the satellite receiver via phono to mini jack socket. (Maplins). Then you can tune your vehicle radio to receive the signal. The Tunecaster also works with MP3 players, CD players etc. With this wonderful gizmo I can sit outside with my walkman radio and a glass of wine and listen to the Archers to my hearts content.
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