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waste water outlet connection


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Can anyone help please with a waste water connection on a Burstner t615 harmony. This may however not be specific to that make/model. The waste tank underneath on one side has a large outlet, possibly 2 to 3 inches diametre witha flange and locking ring. However there is no pipe or outlet hose attached (normally with a tap). has anyone experience of this fitting and can offer advice as to what sort of fitting is required for a normal size hose outlet and tap

Any advice appreciated

Thanks, Dave

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We have a 2007 model Burstner Marano, with a straight fixed pipe and very good tap attached for emptying the waste water....they also suppleied a flexiblehose to attach end empty into a drain. I suspect perhaps yours should also have this,and maybe the manufacturers forgot to fit it! Try contacting your local Burstner dealer,and I am sure they would help.
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