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Hi folks

Just eventually taken the plunge and bought a Swift Mondial

Used it for a few weekends and after a few niggles everything seems fine.

We're going to Spain for the montgh of January as it's significantly better than here right now and we've a holiday home south of alicante we will visit too.

my question is

regarding a route from Cherbourg which is best to the east coast of Spain and why??

I've done all the google maps thing and autooroute but just looking for peoples experience.


thanks in advance



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I would have thought that a 'best' route will vary according to each individual's particular preferences.


If I wanted to get to Spain as quickly and as easily as possible, I'd use autoroutes and dual-carriageway roads.


If I wanted to do the trip more cheaply, then I'd avoid the toll-roads.


If journey time were less important and, say, I wished to explore some of France's historic towns, then I'd plan the trip accordingly.

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If you do want a quick route then: Caen, Le Mans, Tours, Bourges, Clermont Ferrandand Perrpignan is one fairly direct way or, after Tours, Chateauroux, Limoges, Toulouse Perpignan is an alternative. Both have their scenic bits.


Alternatively, as Derek says, take a slow and exploratory way of your own devising. You almost have to cross the Loire Valley and then you basically have the choice of Dordoyne like places (I see it as a bit like Shropshire and Herefordshire with sunshine) or the Massif Central both of which I would recommend.


Whatever you do I hope you enjoy it. :-)


Edit: Just a thought but I am not too sure of what weather and road conditions would be like in the Massif Central in January (!)

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Nah!  Cherbourg, St Lo, Rennes, Nantes, Saintes, Bordeaux.  After Bordeaux: either via Bayonne, or via Toulouse and Perpignan, depending on whether you want Eastern Spain or Southern Spain.  An alternative, after Nantes, would be via Poitiers, Limoges and Brive to Toulouse and Perpignan.  For Southern Spain, from Bayonne: Burgos, Salamanca, Caceres, Seville, Cadiz; or Burgos, Madrid, Granada.  Alternatively, via Perpignan, and then follow the coast via Barcelona and Valencia.

But you see what we mean?  All you need is to know where you want to get to, which kind of road you prefer to take, how much you want to spend, how long you want to spend travelling, and how much you want to see en-route.  Oh, yes, and a map!

If going in winter, the main point would be to plan to avoid the Pyrenees - unless you intend taking your skis as well.  The roads are generally excellent and well signposted.  The biggest potential hazard is weather.  However, do not assume that because you are heading South there will be no ice, frost, or snow.  There are signs warning of black ice on minor roads around Bordeaux, and they are there for reason.  Snow is not unknown on the Meseta, the high central Spanish plateau, which can be as cold in winter as it is hot in summer.

The Mediterranean coastal strip is where the mild weather lives: generally, it does not extend much above 50 miles inland.  If warm weather is your major consideration, get South of the Pyrenees as fast as possible, preferably via Perpignan, so as to avoid crossing the Meseta.

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Be prepared for snow! Last January I travelled from Le Havre to The Algarve. 20 minutes out of Le Havre we picked up snow and we were still in it South of Salamanca 900 miles later! Luckily, the French and Spanish road authorities are switched on and all main roads were kept clear. It is only when you come off the main roads (Autoroutes, Autopistas and Nationals) to find a campsite or aire that you might have problems, but it pays to be prepared. Hopefully you will not encounter any problems - Good Luck.
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