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Bill Ord

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Guest Bill Ord
Looks like I'm one of the many who can't register with the new Forum because we have AOL as our ISP.I guess there's nothing Warners can do about it. I will not bother AOL with it as my past experience of dealing with AOL on a number of problems which are AOL specific has left me with the feeling of trying to swim in treacle. I'll be changing to broadband in the near future but of course it won't be with AOL as all I'd get is the same problems but at twenty times the speed, not much point in that! Are there any other Forum users out there on AOL who've run into it yet? Warners are aware of it but it's out of there control. Bill Ord
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Guest Ray  J
Bill, I've been with Aol for 4+ years now,I don't have a problem with the MMM forum (yet) how does it show up ? what are the symptoms (trust me I'm a dustman). RayJ
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Guest roger s
I support a few people who use AOL and they dont have any of the problems I read about ref access to forums, wonder if its pc/security settings that are the real issue or possibly a time out , as the old site was noted for its slowness, I used to click to open, go and have a shave and it had just loaded (2mBB) !!
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Guest Mel E
Roger, yes, the old forum was slow, but I'll bet it was AOL slowing it down further that caused your problems - cartainly, even on 32KB dial-up, it was never that slow for me with Telewest/Eurobell as ISP. I've recently gone B/Band and will be losing AOL shortly. I only ever used it for email since it had local dial-up in just about every country in the world. Nowadays, if I'm in a country for long enough for email to be an issue, I get a local SIM card, either there or before leaving the UK (call the UK for under 10p a minute on your mobile from New Zealand, for example!). And I simply got fed up of AOL's attitude to SPAM - it has never successfully stopped it but it has frequently successfully stopped genuine emails getting through to me!
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Guest Bill Ord
There are just too many AOL specific problems to go into here but the problem I have at the moment is I've registered with the new site and my password hasn't been e-mailed to me or in reality AOL for reasons of it's own is blocking it. It may or may not be my secutity settings but I'm utterly fed up with AOL's attitude; it's always the customer's fault and always the customer who has to sort the problem. Nuff said. Bill Ord
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Guest Warners
If AOL users are having problems getting their passwords for the new forums, we can email them to you manually (during office hours - 9-5 Monday to Friday). All we need to know is your email address, and the username you registered under for the new forums. Drop us a line at: webdes@warnersgroup.co.uk and we'll try and sort you out asap.
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Guest peejay
I'm another frustrated aol user having exactly the same problem as Bill. I've registered but no reply email yet. Email on its way, hopefully 'webdes@warners' will do the business for me. peet.
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Hi All, Yes it's 'Got' me too now,same problem, registered but no return E-mail,and now the site (new One)says that my e-mail address has already been used. I checked my 'inbox' including all spam, nothing, not a sausage...what are AOL up to ? What OTHER E-mails are being 'Filtered' out ? Maybe It's THEM that we need the Anti-Spyware against ? Now ! whats that e-mail address of the guy from Warners who can sort it out ? RayJ
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