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The friendly club ?


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Was foolish enough to take ourseves off to C.C.C, at Oxford this weekend travelled 140 miles just to be told that my motorhome was not welcome on their lovely grass pitches as I might damage them. The club states that you do not have to book their sites in the off season so I believed them. The site is open all year so how come they are not all weather pitches. The staff offered no alternatives so 140miles return trip, just as well the grandchildren didn't come. As grass is more impotant to them than me they have just lost a member. ( I feel better now thats off my mind.)
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We experienced this "friendliness" earlier this year at the C&CC Barnard Castle site. We had not booked (as usual - we are suppose to be tourers after all!) and the HSM clearly had not wanted to be disturbed mid afternoon. Anyway without much of a smile or a wave we were shown to our pitch and as we were walking to our van the phone went in Reception. The HSM said without a hint of irony - "I'll ignore that. It will only be someone wanting to make a booking"! You couldn't make it up! Why do these people do the job? Having said that it takes all sorts and we have had good examples of customer service on both C&CC and CC sites.
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Did you know that a large percentage of small CC sites are franchise owned, this would probably explain the disinterested attitude from some of the people you encounter.

Unfortunately, the hype about the benefits of franchises do not always match the reality.

So having invested untold £1000s in setting up the site, purchasing the franchise, franchise fees, percentage of takings etc, then being told you cannot run the place as your own, but instead have to follow the R&R of the CC, would make me pretty peed off.

If your boss expected you to work from 7am until after 8pm, would you be all smiles and happiness, sometimes you need to look at why some site owners/wardens are not the happiest people around, it could be that some customers expect the world for next to nothing.

How many motorhomers/caravanners are shop keepers, or business owners, would you happily open up 2,3 or 4 hours after your advertised hours just for a £5 sale and yet you expect these people to do just that for you.


You rarely get these sort of complaints at larger camp sites, they charge more, and are stricter about arrival times, you will usually have to park in a holding area, and yet nobody seems to whinge about that.

You can't have it all ways.

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donna miller - 2009-11-24 10:30 AM


Did you know that a large percentage of small CC sites are franchise owned, this would probably explain the disinterested attitude from some of the people you encounter.

Unfortunately, the hype about the benefits of franchises do not always match the reality.

So having invested untold £1000s in setting up the site, purchasing the franchise, franchise fees, percentage of takings etc, then being told you cannot run the place as your own, but instead have to follow the R&R of the CC, would make me pretty peed off.

If your boss expected you to work from 7am until after 8pm, would you be all smiles and happiness, sometimes you need to look at why some site owners/wardens are not the happiest people around, it could be that some customers expect the world for next to nothing.

How many motorhomers/caravanners are shop keepers, or business owners, would you happily open up 2,3 or 4 hours after your advertised hours just for a £5 sale and yet you expect these people to do just that for you.


You rarely get these sort of complaints at larger camp sites, they charge more, and are stricter about arrival times, you will usually have to park in a holding area, and yet nobody seems to whinge about that.

You can't have it all ways.


A lot of this is simply not correct, the great majority of cc club sites are either club owned or sites leased from local councils etc and run by cc club. The few that are not have to be run to cc club rules and know this before they sign up, so why the problem about abiding by these rules, it is not something they find out about later. Size of site makes no differance to cc club prices, like any business they charge what they can get,the most popular sites cost the most. I would agree that some expect to much but personally have never had a bad reception at a cc site.

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As I am intending to visit the Oxford CCC site in the next 2 weeks, I have just rang the bookings section on 024 76 47 54 26, read out the post to her and voiced my concerns. She told me that the only restriction for motorhomes is that they must be under 25ft long. When I told her that I would post her reaction and phone Number on the site, she said that she had no objection.

The very nice lady said that she could book me in now and that I did not need to contact the site direct. So it seems that especially with the current bad weather it will be wise to check and make a booking.



Hope this helps - sorry you had a blank journey.



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I'm a member of both CC and CCC. I prefer the CC in terms of size and quality of pitches and helpfulness of staff. CCC staff usually offer less choice of pitch and have occasionally actually denied me a choice of pitch - siting me where it suits them rather than me. I have found the hard-standings are fewer and can be poor quality at CCC sites. There are exceptions such as East Horsley CCC where I was offered a choice of several very good HS' on several visits.


I frequently end up at CCC sites simply because they charge deposits so have availability two weeks before arrival whereas the CC don't charge a deposit and the website shows sites as fully booked weeks or even months before my arrival date. A case of you pays your money and takes Hobson's choice....



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We are members of the CC and they are not perfect but in 15 years of motorhoming we have never been on a "friendly" C&CC site. In many cases the members were as unhappy with the service and organization as the visitors. I'm sure there are lots of satisfied members but we have just never met one.
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We are in our 18th year of CCC membership, initially with a tent and for the last 7 years with a campervan. Generally we are pleased with the club and campsite staff. However, in recent years administration and SOME campsite staff seem not to be part of 'the friendly club'.


A few years ago I phoned Winchcombe site on a Saturday morning to check on availablility of a pitch for that night. There was space. When asked my estimated time of arrival I stated between 6 and 7 pm . I was told that the pitch couldn't be guaranteed. I offered to pay there and then but was told that was not allowed. When I complained to Head Office they supported the Holiday Site Manager. In contrast when I phoned the CC site at Cheltenham I was told just to turn up and ring the bell if it was before 8 pm. If later I should find a pitch and pay the next day.


Last year we had pre-booked a CCC site but the van failed the MOT the day before we were due and parts were not available for a week. When I phoned the site I was told that I would lose my deposit as it was not a 'genuine' reason. This was verified by the Club Sites' Director who said that if I put it in writing the Club may be sympathetic. They later held my deposit in the system as "a gesture of goodwill". I was also informed that the Club was strict because of members making up various reasons for cancelling bookings. ( I could have sent my fail certificate to prove it was a genuine reason.)


Note: the cancellation refunds are even more stringent for 2010.


Last year I phoned the CCC site at Jedburgh on a Saturday to see if there was space for that night. There was but the HSM was very brusque and didn't really seem to want us for one night. We arrived about 30 minutes before our estimated time to be greeted rudely by "You're early". He also claimed (incorrectly because of the 'season') that he was not supposed to make a weekend booking for one night.


Our latest experience of less than helpful staff was at Scone in June this year. We wanted a standard pitch for one night. We were taken to a part where there was quite an amount of litter nearby. She reversed us onto a pitch near a tree. When my wife stopped the van the HSM told her to go father back because she was on the grass road and loads of people were arriving later. She then asked my wife to continue reversing and asked me to hold a branch out of the way. I told my wife to stop. There was ample space without being so close to the tree and no other unit arrived!


We are most unlikely to book CCC sites in advance again.


These are the negative experiences but overall we have been happy with the sites.






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I agree with the comments made so far on the C&CC but have I read things right? Has somebody actually had a reply back from the club? You lucky person!


I have twice sent emails to them and have never been acknowledged.


I also believe that they should be sued for false reresentation because of their title. Last August my wife and I spent one night on a private site which is recommended by the C&CC (there was a big club logo at the entrance). Caravans and Motorhomes (with hook up) £15 - Tent with no hook up (or anything else) £20


They are not encouraging anyone to camp in a tent, in fact, it looks like they are actively discouraging it.

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747 - 2009-11-24 3:00 PM


I agree with the comments made so far on the C&CC but have I read things right? Has somebody actually had a reply back from the club? You lucky person!


I have twice sent emails to them and have never been acknowledged.


I also believe that they should be sued for false reresentation because of their title. Last August my wife and I spent one night on a private site which is recommended by the C&CC (there was a big club logo at the entrance). Caravans and Motorhomes (with hook up) £15 - Tent with no hook up (or anything else) £20


They are not encouraging anyone to camp in a tent, in fact, it looks like they are actively discouraging it.


Without knowing the site, I would ask are you sure it was RECOMMENDED by CCC? I t possibly was a CCC LISTED SITE. Such sites do tend to feature the CCC logo with the words 'Listed Site'. I think that means that the site is listed in the CCC 'Your Big Sites Book'.


Having said that I agree with your comments about that site discouraging tent campers. The fees do seem unfair and the presumed ethos does not fit in with what I would expect the clubs 'expectations' to be. According to the Big Sites Book before a site is included in the book the Club sends its Site Development Officer to carry out an initial assessnment, discuss the Club's expectations and check various aspects.


I assume that if you felt the site didn't fit in with that you could contact the Club but in your experience you may not get a reply.


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We have been and are still members of the Caravan Club, and for many years we were members of the C.C.C. camping with tents,trailer tent,caravan and Motor-home. There was a distinct change in attitude when we started Motor-homing! I even heard one C.M say as she was walking in the door " there is a whopping M.H. waiting there" !!! We are only 21' !! I confronted her and said as much she said "oh they make a mess of the pitch"" Can you believe it ! I told her that that unit once on site doesn't move again until we leave :-S



That and a couple of other incidences made us decide we would stick with the C.C. at least you know you will get a hard standing there, the only downside is we dont get the recycled teenagers discount that you get on the C.C.C. sites. Even the C.C. is being reassessed as we only used their sites for a total of 5 nights last year and 4 at a C.L.


Their booking system needs to be looked at as they are all booked up once the lines open in Dec;

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I allways refer to C&CC as the "Unfriendly Club".

This was a similar experiance to OP. Turned up on a wet day to be told "Pitches are too wet to park on" (note no "very sorry" or similar), I asked about parking on any hardstanding to be told this wasn't allowed. Drove couple of miles down road to a commercial site, "No problem, park by the toilet block".

Guess what I'm no longer a member.

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Hi David your comment is good but they dont seem to want e/mails and I dont feel like wasting another 35p on them £64. of deisel equates to 50% of my weeks pension ( Ah shame I hear ) . I dont doubt that some of their people visit this forum so perhaps it will be noticed by them. John. *-)
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Hi Mike I would advise you to contact the site direct my motorhome is 23ft but that was not the problem. They are only concerned with possible marking the grass not accomodating the membership, wouldn't like you to have my experience. John. :-S
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donna miller - 2009-11-24 11:51 AM







Rupert I can post an application form for the franchise purchase if you require it, it is something I looked at myself.

My reference to larger sites was aimed at non CC or CCC sites.



I was under the impression you were talking about the Caravan Club as you used the initial CC. You also said CC when talking about site size so under the same impression, sorry if I got that wrong. I am aware of the conditions because a good friend of mine enquired with the Caravan Club a couple of years ago, he has a site in North Wales. I know nothing at all about how the c&cc operates.

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We abandoned the CC when they enforced a charge for ehu which we never use, but we do almost miss the CL network at rare times.

We remain in the CCC, although I have not used a CCC club site since 2005, solely because of the wide array of rallies, weekend bashes and temporary holiday sites which in the main you can just turn up at any reasonable time without pre booking and usually, not always it must be said, but usually, get a warm and friendly welcome from the members running them for the members benefit as well as paying a very reasonable overnight charge - usually!

The CCC's CS network, although not as extensive as the CC's CL network, can still be handy at times on rare occasions.

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teflon2 - 2009-11-24 7:54 PM


Hi Mike I would advise you to contact the site direct my motorhome is 23ft but that was not the problem. They are only concerned with possible marking the grass not accomodating the membership, wouldn't like you to have my experience. John. :-S


Ok John will do and ask for an E-mail confirmation. Many thanks



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Been a member of the C.C. for many years, joined the C&C.C. 2 years ago

mainly because of the 'Old Gits' Concession, My observations are : Not very impressed with 'Holiday Site Managers' (I think Warden makes far more sense) having to 'show' me to my pitch, why not just tell you whats available and let you choose ?? If you pick a bad one, it's your fault (no nasty suspicions of being 'Got at' 'cause you are in a M/H). Far from being the 'Friendly Club' I find their 'Managers' or 'Franchisees' to be a miserable bunch, and seldom seem to be 'happy' in their work. OK I havn't been to all sites, but after 2 years experience there IS a differance between the 2 Clubs. Also and probably more serious, is C&C.C. sites are a bit more 'Tacky' IE. On C.C. Sites (most of them) you can SEE where the money is being spent, new facilities,new sites being aquired Etc.,

On C& C.C. sites I wonder where the Money is going ?? The 'Lodges'

and 'Forest Holidays' are a distraction from their core Membership.

Just my two-penny worth, I am still a member of both, but if I had to economise I know which one I would drop. Ray *-)

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We have been with the caravan club for more years that I care to remember and now that we are retired spend 100 plus days a season on sites. In all that time we have only once been directed to a pitch. On that occassion the weather had closed half the pitches on the Peterborough site so we were directed to a crap grass site. We could have insisted on a hard standing since the CC have a first come first served policy but we were only staying two days so it seemed fair to leave the hard standings to those who were staying longer. Even then the Wardens, who must have been having the day from hell, were still polite and friendly.


Do aviod their associated site at Skegness Sands. Most of their associated sites are of the standard one would expect from the club but this one is way off.


We have looked around some of the CCC sites with a view to joining as they work out considerably cheaper for pensioners but have been less than impressed. They just look a bit tacky and have few pitches suitable for motorhomes

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