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Online PDF Version of MMM

John J Thompson

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We are about to go Full Timing and as such have had to cancel our subscription to MMM.


I have mentioned this before to MMM staff. I will now put it to members of this forum. How many other readers on the road would appreciate being able to read the latest magazine in .pdf format with a subscription and password allowing access while travelling at home or abroad on their laptops.


Many publications are now available in .pdf format and a magazine intended for Motor-home users I feel would be welcome.


We have MMM membership cards with a membership number already.

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Hi John,


I know you from another forum and you know me although my handle is different.


I live not far from you and if all else fails, I will keep all my copies of MMM for your return from Foreign shores. I also subscribe to another similar magazine but I think I should not go into that on this site.


If anybody in the North East wants a large (heavy) pile of motorhome mags they can pick them up. Just as long as they don`t overload their axles.

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747 - 2009-11-25 7:23 PM


Hi John,


I know you from another forum and you know me although my handle is different.


I live not far from you and if all else fails, I will keep all my copies of MMM for your return from Foreign shores. I also subscribe to another similar magazine but I think I should not go into that on this site.


If anybody in the North East wants a large (heavy) pile of motorhome mags they can pick them up. Just as long as they don`t overload their axles.


Thanks for the offer. I was hoping that if enough of us were interested the publishers may think it worthwhile.

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The problem is how would you 'protect' Warners from the publication being copied passed around to friends etc, at least with a magazine you have to have the hard copy to read it (unless someone really wants to stand at a photocopier for an hour and copy it all!). The only way would be to actually have to 'log into' a website and view it there, ie on line, rather than as a pdf document, at least that way a track could be kept of who has viewed it etc, but again, it would entail probably more hassle and cost than it was worth ... laptops are not the easiest things to take to bed to have a read before lights out!


Obviously whilst in the UK there's nothing to stop you buying a copy at a newsagents wherever you are, but abroad that's not an option.


The only thing I can think would be for your magazines to be sent to a friend to scan and send you any articles from it which might be of interest to you, but to be fair to Warners, I would suggest that this is only done if you still subscribe and is done from your copy as there would be copyright issues I believe with doing this otherwise.

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MMM would be a hefty publication for Warners to transfer into pdf format each month and I'm not sure that the high photographic quality of the paper version would survive the translation unscathed.


I can understand that an on-line version of MMM would be attractive to John and to those motorcaravanners who travel with a computer on board and have easy access to high-speed internet, but I very much doubt that the number of such people would make the exercise worthwhile commercially. Myself, I've no interest - I want something I don't need electricity to read.

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A lot of magazines are now processes in .pdf format and sent on that way to the printers.


The quality of the pictures is not an issue when viewed on a computer screen.


The main issue I see, as has been pointed out, is copy-write and ensuring that the person viewing the mag has paid a subscription to do so.


There is no way that I would want to download a whole mag in .pdf to my laptop but some interesting points/articles could be saved.


We are given a membership number when we subscribe. That together with a password would allow access to an on-line version. The setting up of a system to allow access is already in the publishers hand otherwise we could not use this forum.


I do not know the method of production of this mag but others such as the Caravan Club magazine are now available to read on-line.


I would be only to happy to continue to subscribe, but in the new year I will have to rely on getting a copy from a newsagent as I will be permanently on the road "Full Timing". Reading copies many months old is OK but nothing like getting the information fresh off the press.


Warners would save the cost of printing and distribution to those members who subscribe to an on-line magazine.

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Its one of those good ideas that might the buffers, because to make it worthwhile, advertising would have to carried. I Pdf *so to speak !" the pages with the camp sites on them, probably about 2meg a page, Which by simple sums, of a MMM would be about 450 / 500 meg


I would imaging the down load costs other tham a hardwired connection, would also be a consideration.





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Clive - 2009-11-27 8:50 PM


And now you could copy it to anybody you wished. How would a major publisher survive in business if this were possible?



Hi Clive


I would have subscribed to the magazine just as I would for a paper copy.


I can pass the paper copy to however many people I like once I have purchased it.


I am not saying the on-line copy should be free or cheaper than the paper version. I am quite happy to continue my subscription. It would however be cheaper for Warner to supply my copy as there is no distribution cost or printing involved.


It works for other organisations, all it needs is a bit of lateral thinking to get it working for MMM


Warner's already have an area for booking events etc accessible only by password. The magazine copy could be available in that or a similar area.

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I publish a small club magazine which has a distribution list of over 100. If a pdf version of MMM were available others could also have similar "friends" distribution lists and effectively give away 100 (or more) free copies. Thats a tad more financially debilitating than passing one paper copy around. The only way this could work would be if MMM were totally funded by advertising then the bigger the free distribution the better it was for the advertisers. But Warners are paper publishers, that is their business and how they survive. Nice idea but commercial suiside I believe.



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John J Thompson - 2009-11-27 8:31 PM


I have just downloaded a 76 page low res .pdf format magazine in 4.3mb


This is perfectly adequate for viewing on screen. Took less than a minute to download.


Another advantage is you can blow it up to make reading easier.


Shows how little I Know :$


Rgds (lol)

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Tony ... don't 'dismiss' your own comments, whilst it can be downloaded, it is in a low resolution version, this means that someone has had to convert it to this and that if you want to see all those lovely piccies that Andy Stothert et al produce in all their glory, you won't be able to. It would also affect the quality of the rest of the images too and trying to read someo of the smaller print items could be difficult. Even though you can incrase the size on your viewing screen, ultimately there is a reduction in the quality as you do this.


IMV comparing it to a smaller mag, such as the Caravan Club produces, is a bit like chalk and cheese.



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Derek Uzzell - 2009-11-27 7:52 AM


MMM would be a hefty publication for Warners to transfer into pdf format each month and I'm not sure that the high photographic quality of the paper version would survive the translation unscathed.


It might take then all of a couple of minutes to save it as a PDF & upload it.


I agree with what others say about not being too pleasant to read a screen in bed, you just need to print the interesting pages. I have a portable printer in the van so we can print out info on areas we are staying in.



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John J Thompson - 2009-11-25 12:53 PM


We are about to go Full Timing and as such have had to cancel our subscription to MMM.


I have mentioned this before to MMM staff. I will now put it to members of this forum. How many other readers on the road would appreciate being able to read the latest magazine in .pdf format with a subscription and password allowing access while travelling at home or abroad on their laptops.


Many publications are now available in .pdf format and a magazine intended for Motor-home users I feel would be welcome.


We have MMM membership cards with a membership number already.


Thank you for new making my suggestion available through www.pocketmags.com (search MMM)


I am about to subscribe again after having to rely on finding MMM in newsagents since February 2010.


We have been full timing now for 22 months and are thoroughly enjoying it.

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John J Thompson - 2009-11-25 12:53 PM


We are about to go Full Timing and as such have had to cancel our subscription to MMM.


I have mentioned this before to MMM staff. I will now put it to members of this forum. How many other readers on the road would appreciate being able to read the latest magazine in .pdf format with a subscription and password allowing access while travelling at home or abroad on their laptops.


Many publications are now available in .pdf format and a magazine intended for Motor-home users I feel would be welcome.


We have MMM membership cards with a membership number already.


John I don't know if you have seen the thread I started a few days ago, but hopefully it answers your request:





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