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Day trip to Morocco from Algeciras


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We are hoping to take a day trip to Morocco next February/March when we are in southern Spain.

Has anyone done this trip. We would be interested to know of nearby campsites to Algeciras and whether it would be safe to park the van at the ferry terminal while we are on the day trip

Margaret and David

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We stayed on a camp site at TARIFA near Gibralta a few years ago and they did day trips from the camp site to Morocco, we did book one but un fortunately my wife was unwel, the day we were meant to go so didn't, the deal was ,they transported you from the site to the ferry and back to the site, I don't remember the price but it was not excessive or I wouldn't have booked and we got our money back as we never went. :-o :-o
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We did this trip about 8 years ago. We drove van to dock early morning and parked on land at dock near a police/customs office (other guarded parking had a height barrier). Crossing was fine but as soon as we disembarked ship we were hassled by young men wanting to take us round Tangier. There were few other tourists on their own so we were swooped on. In the end we agreed to one of them taking us round for a modest fee. We saw very little apart from carpet salesmen, perfume salesmen etc etc. All in all an unrewarding experience which I woild not recommend. But maybe we were unlucky and it might now be better but suspect not.
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We spent 5 weeks in Morocco this year and hassle is the norm, every where you go there is someone after something, it's a way of life there, it gets very wearing in the end and spoils the experience. we in fact bought more Moroccan goods from a Moroccan shop in Spain at a better price we thought than in Morocco and without the hassle. :-o :-o :-o
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I have been to Morroco and will not return. I can understand that when visitors go there the local people view them as potential income, after all the disparity in wealth between them and us is vast. However the constant begging and having to negotiate the price of a toilet roll (you know the line "in the land of the trots the man with the toilet roll etc etc") just gets wearing and in the end you just want to say "beam me up Scotty". I made the mistake of looking in a shop window and before I knew where I was the owner had me by the arm, whisked me into his shop and I met all his cousins. I didn`t buy anything but I did have a very large bruise on my arm.

Having said that don`t be put off, go and see for yourself.



Roy Fuller

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