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What do I use to glue Aluminium brackets to GRP roof ?

mike 202

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I want to glue some aluminium brackets to the roof of my motorhome to hold a solar panel in place as I do not want to drill holes. I seem to remember that Sikaflex has been mentioned or should I try silicon sealant?. Can the forum technical experts please advise.


Thanks Mike


PS - I have tried the search but it is not working.

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I agree with Dave, SikaFlex is best 252 and 512 are almost the same, one cures quicker, can't remember which one though. Silicone isn't an adheshive as such,ok for sealing the water out, but not for sticking things together. Ray

PS It is available on E-bay, but look for a long 'sell by' date, as it does have a 'shelf life'.

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Not forgeting of course to remove any polish from the grp and abrade and solvent clean the aluminium first and the stick it on as quick as you can as the ally will start to oxidise rapidly and won't stick as well.
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For an all purpose adhesive that will stick anything to anything you will not beat Sticks like Sh*t, yep that is exactly what its called, and you can only get it through builders merchants. I get mine from Jewsons. When I first tried it to see how good it was I stuck a piece of 4x2 to a brick wall. The next day I tried to remove it with a hammer without success, then I tried a sledge hammer, the wood split but it still remained stuck to the wall. In the end I had to chisle it off. May not be suitable for your application, but I just thought I would mention it.
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A solar panel would typically be around two to three inches high, I'd say there are other items on a motorhome roof more likely to get caught such as aerials, rooflights etc. Surely nobody would drive under anything that's likely to catch the roof and do damage? Thin twig branches shouldn't cause a problem other than scratching paintwork or windows, thicker branches might but why would you drive on if they were that low?



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