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Elecsol Batteries


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Does anyone know anything about “Elecsol” batteries based in Neston South Wirral?

I ordered 2 batteries from them just over a week ago, the cash was taken from my account in 2 days. I wanted some idea of a delivery date so I phoned last Thursday to be told that they would arrive first thing on Friday, they didn’t so I phoned again at 1pm to be told that they would arrive sometime Friday, they didn’t. The company is always on a recorded answer message, at know time was I asked for an invoice number. Today I can’t get an answer, to my calls or my left message or my e-mail.

I have a horrible feeling that I have seen the last of my £250.

Regards Mike W

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No adverse signs to date - reports of sudden demise etc.  There is still a lot of disruption due to flooding between them and you, so maybe distribution has been disrupted.  That may be causing a lot of anxious calls, leading to engaged lines.  Don't give up hope yet!  Try the phone option to "camp on" their number if it available from your provider.  It'll ring them and you as soon as the line becomes free.
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Thank all, We have just returned from shopping and found them in the back garden. Really the delivery was not at all bad, but if you had heard there response to my phone calls you would have known why I was worried. For those following my thread “is it me “ I still have no driving licence but they have cashed my cheque.


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