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Meeting in the Real World

Tony Jones

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... at least, if you regard Bury St Edmund's as part of the real world - especially during Christmas Market weekend!

We met up with Nicola (aka Josie Gibblebucket) at the car park which has 5 dedicated motorhome spaces. Two of the others were taken by French market traders.

We had a good meal together at The Decanter, just round the corner (where Mine Host remembered me from last year!), and slept soundly until our alarms went off (parking was free overnight, but we had to get P&D tickets in place from 8am).

We had a brilliant day on the Saturday - cold and sometimes windy (nearly lost my wig in this picture!) but dry and mostly sunny. The market was (again) well worth spending the day, with French and German food stalls as well as craft and jewllery.

We enjoyed Nicola's and Chris's company very much - no doubt Nicola will PM any of you who want to know whether that was mutual!


We should all get together far more often in the "Real World" - but the Shows aren't really an option for us as I don't get "proper" weekends!"


From L to R, this picture shows me, "Josie," my wife Liz and her hubby Chris. And of course both our vans. Taken by a helpful parking attendant!


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It was great to meet you and Liz, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves too. The market was excellent, so much variety and some lovely cooking smells wafting across every now and then. Shame there wasn't time to sample everything! We both enjoyed the meal, which was a real treat for us as we can't afford to eat out very often and Chris said he especially liked your choice of wine


You are right, it is good to meet up with other members and I hope we will be able to do it again sometime.


Do you think this would count as our first "wild camp" ? (I know we were in a carpark, but I feel like we had an adventure)


:-D :-D


I was telling Tony that I had spotted Diamond Dave at Lincoln show, but I was so in awe of his fame that I felt too awkward and embarrassed to go and say hello. Wish I had now. I think Jacqui was there too? ;-)

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Guest Tracker
Tony Jones - 2009-11-30 6:24 PM

From L to R, this picture shows me, "Josie," my wife Liz and her hubby Chris.


Does this mean that Liz has two husbands then Tony and if so is this a new trend to encourage more people back to religion - I can see it catching on!

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Tracker - 2009-12-01 10:27 AM


Does this mean that Liz has two husbands then Tony and if so is this a new trend to encourage more people back to religion - I can see it catching on!


No Richard, you're confusing us with the Mormons.

Not sure it'd work as a sales pitch anyway. Most married people still find that one partner is quite enough to cope with - and sometimes even that's one too many! :-D

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Tony Jones - 2009-12-01 10:52 AM


Tracker - 2009-12-01 10:27 AM


Does this mean that Liz has two husbands then Tony and if so is this a new trend to encourage more people back to religion - I can see it catching on!


No Richard, you're confusing us with the Mormons.

Not sure it'd work as a sales pitch anyway. Most married people still find that one partner is quite enough to cope with - and sometimes even that's one too many! :-D


The punishment for bigamy is 2 mothers-in-law!!!! (lol)

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