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MMM please publicise the Forum !!

mike 202

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We have new forum members Maurice and Heather, Welcome to you both.


They have had their Motorhome for quite a long time and have just made their first post, I wonder when they heard of the Forum, was it only recently ?. If this is the case then how many more Judderers are there out there who are on their own (Have not heard of this Forum) and do not have the benefit and wisdom provided by the Members on all matter of subjects.


I realise that some forum comments are always published in MMM.

The Forum being called "Out and About Live" may not seem relevant to many.


MMM please will you publish an article on the Forum. How to join in simple terms, that it is free and its benefits for technical and general help and friendship.

I enjoy the Mag and always look froward to the plop through the letterbox.

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Guest Tracker

To be fair to Warners the Forum is mentioned in every issue of MMM if by no other source than via the forum postings shown in the letters section.


If readers seeing that are not 'inspired' to at least log on and have a looksee I doubt they are interested - which is a shame - but it's a free country - well mostly!

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I echo Tracker's views.


Beginning in the June 2006 issue of MMM, a "Forum Letters" column has been printed at the start of the "Your Letters" section at the beginning of the magazine and, since August 2008, the column has carried details of the Out&AboutLive website at its head. What more do MMM readers need?


Even if you aren't a MMM reader, this forum is easily identified via a GOOGLE-search on "forum motorhome", though it's worth highlighting that this also retrieves alternative forums that are much less technically ramshackle.

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As Derek says, there is now a regular 'forum' column in the magazine each month so ..... beware ..... what you say on the forum could end up in print!!! 8-)


I am in the December issue! :-> Fame yet again ... form an orderly queue, autographs will be freely given ... :D

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