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is this taking security to extremes ?


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well i don't know what happened to my original post

i had typed it out and tried to add an attachment...photo of a van..

and it all disappeared !!

never mind ..gave us a bit of a giggle

i've tried doing a search 'how to add a photo'

but it keeps coming up as error

so i don't know what else to try


any ideas anyone?




quick edit here as mel b and i appear to have 'crossed in the post'

i will check the size


mel b

can i resize photo?


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Berti, sometimes if you stay too long on writing a posting response, ie due to you playing 'hunt' the photo on your PC, by the time you press submit the link to the site has timed out ... not sure why this happens, but it does sometimes do this, and is most infuriating. Try posting your photo first and see if that works, then if it does, just 'edit' your posting and add the text afterwards.
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and again !!!!


it seems to have worked ...but how i did it i don't know !!!!

i think i'm ready for my cocoa !!!

we've seen quite a few of these roller shuttered vans on our travels

this one was at dole

apparently the shutters operate electronically from inside...

but still the cab windows are vulnerable

and it starts to look a bit like a securicor outfit doesn't it

thanks mel b



good night everyone


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crikey mel b

you have certainly put the BIG CAT among the pigeons now...

following your post

my better half demanded to know how you have got this photo of me..

i tried to make a getaway in the van..but i forgot to hide my golf clubs ...however, after i crashed into a fire hydrant..her love for me overcame her desire to kill me and she rescued me by smashing the windows !!

aaaahh..bless !!

it's a bit late in the day now that you have 'gone public'

but i am offering you a million dollar payoff ..

if anyone else has has any more salacious tales/pix and wishes to be in line for 'lots of dosh'...you had better come forward pretty sharpish before my sponsors drop me like a hot potato and my divorce settlement takes all my money !!!

your pussycat

T I Grrrrrrrrrr



i didn't realise i looked that good......

it must be the lighting !!!!


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seriously mel b

i must have crossed posts with you as i didn't use the site you posted to resize the photo...i think something came up on windows ..but i was getting a bit tired and didn't make a note of it


my photo was originally 512 so i resized to 20%..thinking it would then be 100..but it isn't...it's 39 !!


anyway, i have to go to work till late so i will catch up with you all tomorrow

we have gone a bit 'off topic' haven't we

perhaps you could do a separate post 'how to post photos for dummies' and give us bullet point & simple instructions if you aren't too busy




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Guest Tracker

If anyone is tempted to install external shutters it would be as well to shut the skylight or at least take the bike rack off so that thieves would not be able to clamber up to the roof so easily!


We have some friends who were broken into near Barcelona a few years ago whilst in a supermarket car park. The intruders parked their transit van very close to the motorhome and forced the side window open using the transit as cover. Once inside they ransacked the motorhome and passed everything of value through the open window and into the transit side door before driving off. A very upsetting experience which caused our friends to give up motorhoming completely.



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Hi Berti,


I can't quite see from the photo, but could this camping-car be a Notin? They are quite common around France and are a definite 'up-market' range of vehicles and, yes, they are fitted with external roller shutters.



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maggyd - 2009-12-04 9:06 PM


You would think :-S when so many people are having problems posting photo,s on this forum!! me included, the mods would make it a bit easier wouldnt you?


I've never had much of a problem posting photo's, a lot of forums don't cater for posting photo's in a thread and you have to use a hosting website, so we don't do too bad on here IMO.

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Must agree Colin, the ones where you have to upload them to a hosting site are an absolute pain ... but I just don't understand why people have such problems posting on here, apart from when the server is having a paddy, they go on quite easiliy.


All I can assume is that the server likes my photos but doesn't like letting me do searches! 8-)

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Guest Tracker
Although it says up to 100kb for a photo I have had problems with some over around 50kb and the easiest to get on are those from about 20kb to 40kb so it pays to reduce as much as possible.
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Guest JudgeMental
I don't see the point of these shutters, still can be forced easily I would think....this will do the trick, and you can leave the windows open at night as well


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Notin has fitted Dometic/Seitz "Rolf" external roller-shutters as standard since model-year 2006. For 2010 a different design of window-shutter is used that slides vertically, rather like a guillotine. (I think "Rolf" may have been discontinued.) Whether these types of shutter provide genuinely enhanced security is anybody's guess, but they do have an entertainment value that will undoubtedly be appreciated by potential Notin customers.


Funny things Notins, with idiosyncratic styling inside and out, unusual construction (AluFiber body panels) and hefty price tags. One of the few motorhome manufacturers currently not converting SEVEL chassis, concentrating instead on Renault and Mercedes.

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There is a rather old Notin motorhome not far from us and that has exterior wooden shutters. I don't think that these were put on for security orginally more to do with why every other manufacturer puts interior ones on - light and sun. Although Notins are a tad expensive!!!! they are beatifully made but the interiors are not to most peoples taste.
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