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Fiat X250 windscreen washer jets


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Has anyone had problems with their windscreen washer jets?


12 months after we bought our van (in March 2008) one of the jets (which is a small rotating/adjustable barrel) came loose and the water pressure blew it sideways so it no longer worked. As far as I know our dealer repaired it rather than replaced it but I don't know how.


Its now happened again but this time with both. Has anyone had any similar problems with theirs/is there a fix/have Fiat modified this part?



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Loads of people have had trouble with this according to my local dealer.

Ours came loose very early on. We could tell because the jets squirted water just anywhere, the moveable inserts were coming out.

Our fix was to burr the end of the movable insert so that it jammed in position.

No further news from Fiat.


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I added a note about this problem a year ago to the judder thread. Over our fleet of about 30 x250 vans we have used about 25 washer jets so far. They are about £3.50 each and take just a few seconds to change but I have to say that they are an appallingly crap piece of design and when I discussed the issue with Fiat UK last year, nobody had heard of any problems.


One of our local dealers put some black silicone sealer in the end to prevent it popping out but this did not work either.


If you are not near a Fiat dealer when you need a new one you can use 6438.T8 part no from Peugeot or Citroen.




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  • 2 weeks later...
I had the same problem with our Peugeot Boxer not long after purchasing it new. They were replaced under waranty but about a year later it occured again but a shove in the right direction sorted it out. It seems on the face of it a clever design as if you have a blocked jet turning it by 180 degrees and activating the screenwash may clear it, tho I've not tried it. I think i'ts out with the glue pot!
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euroserv - 2009-12-14 11:14 AM

I have to say that they are an appallingly crap piece of design and when I discussed the issue with Fiat UK last year, nobody had heard of any problems.


Fiat UK not heard of any problems, there's a suprise. *-)

Reporting this to VOSA, may, get the design altered as not only is it a MOT failure it is an offence to drive with broken washers.

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