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TomTom downloads


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Further to previous posts on TomTom downloads. TomTom website gives details of poi databases suitable for TomTom 2.0 and higher = www.tomtom.com/support/ce/support/nav_poi01.php. Includes German stellplatze and other useful data. Has anybody any idea where to load the given European speed camera data on TomTom (other than poi)? What I mean is they wouldn.t be be much use just as poi - is it possible to insert the data directly onto the maps? Still learning!!
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Tom I think that you can only download them as POI's, and not directly on to the map. Just enable the particular POI for it to come up on the map. Suggest looking at www.pocketgpsworld.co.uk. Then go to forums (on left hand side), and scroll down to TomTom Navigator to ask and receive replies to all TomTom related questions
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