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Well Syd you may be correct about NIMBYism,but the facts that justify their argument is that the proposed site is on a flood plain which is shown in the accompanying pictures. So where does the water go? We already have problems with people paving over gardens which contributes to excess run away water flooding gullys.

Also the power companies have been given carte blanche to ride rough shod over everyone and are legally permitted to flout local planning laws.

As well is the fact that the majority of our utility providers are now in foreign ownership and whilst we pay exorbitant rates for power the Europeans pay a lot less. N-power for example is German owned and they have built a tank farm which will stockpile gas and resell it to us at an inflated rate. Eon is French owned a major shareholeder is the French state.

Our assetts have been given away over the years. Tony bLIAR gave £8m back to the EU that was clawed back by the Torys and now Gordon is doing the same in order to secure an EU commissioners job when he loses next year. Be warned Gordy your chum tried it with £8m annually-a price he put on the presidency and he got nowhere-whats your chance maybe Mandy can help!!

So on the face of it,this campaign may be NIMBYism,but it has a justifiable reason!!!

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yeti - 2009-12-12 11:19 PM


As our lords and masters are busy discussing solutions to climate change. Take a look at this website esp if you love Cumbria. The proposed area was flooded last week and strangely it didn't make the national press




The giant domes, pylons etc, shown in their "photo" do not appear to be in the artists impressions of the site.


I don't think that will help their case at any planning meetings.



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My personal opinion is that the Nuclear debate has gone on for far too long.

You cannot hold back progress and nuclear power is progress.

Nuclear power CAN be made safe and it is climate friendly, Coal power is very dirty indeed.

Why on earth don't we just bite the bullit and get on with it because we are going to have to have nuclear power in the future anyway.


One more small point that seems to have been overlooked is that these companies will have to invest BILLIONS to build these things, now ask yourselves are they stupid enough to build them where they are going to be devastated and out of action every couple of years, of course not

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I worked in the power industry for many years, in a coal fired station ,which was filthy to work in , sulphur, fumes when working near or around the top of the boilers , Coal Dust most elswhere and Eradiated electricity every where else , with reports from Holland of chimney fall out (acid rain) over parts of their country, so the old design of coal fired power stations are not the answer, and unless we want to be dependant on other countries for our future power supplies,we need to build our own Power producing Plants and if you look at all the so called Natural resourses,of oil gas, coal, these are running out at an alarming rate ,So Nuclear is the only realistic way to go supported by wind and solar power and not forgetting wave power. it doesnt matter who owns them solong as they keep the lights burning and the homes heated. Our nuclear subs are still running without much trouble so why not Power stations, Design,s and safety have change and are now more safe and reliable. Where to Place them has to be near an un-exhaustable supply of water Normally the coast and its less of an inpact if they are sited where existing stations are but there will always be controversy whereever they are sited. Needs as Must. I think topic is in the wrong forum ?!
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Visit Tees-side if you want to see eyesores!! but without them a lot of people would be out of work :-S they complain about the Wind turbines ! power has to come from somewhere! its always a case of Not In MY Backyard! we along the East Coast right the way up to and in Scotland have Nuclear power stations so why is Cumbria any different?
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yeti - 2009-12-13 10:30 AM


Well Syd you may be correct about NIMBYism,but the facts that justify their argument is that the proposed site is on a flood plain which is shown in the accompanying pictures. So where does the water go? We already have problems with people paving over gardens which contributes to excess run away water flooding gullys.

Also the power companies have been given carte blanche to ride rough shod over everyone and are legally permitted to flout local planning laws.

As well is the fact that the majority of our utility providers are now in foreign ownership and whilst we pay exorbitant rates for power the Europeans pay a lot less. N-power for example is German owned and they have built a tank farm which will stockpile gas and resell it to us at an inflated rate. Eon is French owned a major shareholeder is the French state.

Our assetts have been given away over the years. Tony bLIAR gave £8m back to the EU that was clawed back by the Torys and now Gordon is doing the same in order to secure an EU commissioners job when he loses next year. Be warned Gordy your chum tried it with £8m annually-a price he put on the presidency and he got nowhere-whats your chance maybe Mandy can help!!

So on the face of it,this campaign may be NIMBYism,but it has a justifiable reason!!!



Err Just Remind Me WHO was it that sold off the Utilities!!!!????

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maggyd - 2009-12-13 12:55 PM

Err Just Remind Me WHO was it that sold off the Utilities!!!!????


Well said such short memories when it's convenient!!


Strangest thing, when it comes to NIMBYism is that Dungeness is one place that desperately wants a new N Power Station, so they are not letting them have one, perverse!!



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Guest Tracker

The more topics that are posted in the Motorhome Matters section that do not relate DIRECTLY to motorhomes the more it discourages those amongst us, or new members, with low tolerance levels from taking part in motorhome related topics - some even being rude enough at times to complain that other forums - or is that forii - do not clog up their information pages with general chit chat.


Just because the moderators on this forum are more tolerant does not mean that we do not have a responsibility to post responsibly in the right section.


So with that in mind may I respectfully ask readers if they would be kind enough to post new threads in the appropriate sections please.


Many thanks.

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Tracker - 2009-12-16 12:13 PM


The more topics that are posted in the Motorhome Matters section that do not relate DIRECTLY to motorhomes the more it discourages those amongst us, or new members, with low tolerance levels from taking part in motorhome related topics - some even being rude enough at times to complain that other forums - or is that forii - do not clog up their information pages with general chit chat.


Just because the moderators on this forum are more tolerant does not mean that we do not have a responsibility to post responsibly in the right section.


So with that in mind may I respectfully ask readers if they would be kind enough to post new threads in the appropriate sections please.


Many thanks.



I agree entirely. I have not been following this forum for long but I have found the amount of knowledge and information available to be invaluable in my early days of learning about motorhomes and the lifestyle which goes with it. So please keep it specific to motorhomes.


Roy Fuller

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Tracker - 2009-12-16 12:13 PM


The more topics that are posted in the Motorhome Matters section that do not relate DIRECTLY to motorhomes the more it discourages those amongst us, or new members, with low tolerance levels from taking part in motorhome related topics - some even being rude enough at times to complain that other forums - or is that forii - do not clog up their information pages with general chit chat.


Just because the moderators on this forum are more tolerant does not mean that we do not have a responsibility to post responsibly in the right section.


So with that in mind may I respectfully ask readers if they would be kind enough to post new threads in the appropriate sections please.


Many thanks.



I agree entirely. I have not been following this forum for long but I have found the amount of knowledge and information available to be invaluable in my early days of learning about motorhomes and the lifestyle which goes with it. So please keep it specific to motorhomes.


Roy Fuller

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Ah, I see, you like our forum and the help and information it gives, so now we must start doing things differently to please you.

Alternatively, we could carry on in the manner that first attracted you, and you could skip over any bits that you don't find relevant.


Incidently, the bloke who asked where the rain goes in the Lake District, was he joking?

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Guest Tracker

Interesting thought Bill.

So after the grand sum of 72 postings you now consider it to be 'our' forum - whatever that means - well anyway, welcome to our forum!

I am unaware of having changed how I post and as far as I can see I continue to post in the same manner that I always have?

I do like the help that the forum offers as even after some 36 years of motor caravanning I'm still learning and I do try to offer help when possible and to that end it makes it much easier to follow if members do not keep reprinting previous posts in full when replying.

The rain in the Lake District goes into the sea - as does all rain eventually - unless it is consumed by mankind first - in which case it still ends up in the sea anyway. Hope that helps!

Happy Christmas!

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