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Trickle charge to starter battery

Guest chas

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Hi- I intend to fit a charger unit to my Peugeot Boxer 05 reg to keep the starter battery in good condition when not started up for a week or so. It will be charged when the leisure battery is fully charged from mains hook up. There are only 3 connections to make 2 positives 1 earth and seems easy for me to do, but with immobaliser and alarm system fitted would just like to know if there may be any problems I may be unaware of. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks Chas
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Hi Chas and Mel, I did see it briefly and I think it refers to the "Battery Mate" device. Hence I prefered not to comment on it. My own choice for something to keep the starter battery topped up when the vehicle is laid up during the winter is just two connections, the two positive poles of the battery. I fit a simple bridging fuse between the two. If you forget to remove it at the start of the active season it blows the fuse when you start the engine anyway. This way the charger/regulator for the van will maintain both batteries. Phylosophy being "keep it simple" so if it breaks you can fix it". I hasten to add that a few of the up-market new motorhomes do have charging systems that look after both batteries. Its a facet of something I will be researching in depth when the show season starts at Peterborough. C.
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