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Truma Ultrastore Water Heater


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Has any one experienced water flowing out of the vent tube, the one from the hot water elbo (red) pipe, that go's in a loop.

When I fill the water system, and run the pump to fill the Truma, it dose not pressurize the system, water runs out through the vent pipe.

I would be gratful if any one could tell me what has got to be replaced, as the red elbo, dose not seam to be a valve.


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I might be mistaken, but should be a one way valve inline with elbow to the heater's oulet pipe, and the elbow connection to the vent pipe contains a pressure relief valve, both as an integral part/assembly of the elbow.


No doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong, but worth checking what I have mentioned. I suspect the seal for the relief valve has persished or has debris in it.



edit - http://www.leisurespares.co.uk/files/ultrastore.pdf


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Regards my problem with Truma Ultrastore, (Water flowing from the vent pipe comine from Red elbo, Hot water exit.


The fault was the Red elbo, that has a one way valve on the vent outlet , I have since obtained one.


Many Thanks for the help and suggestions to.


Derek Uzzell, Brambles, GJL, and Flicka.


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