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Anyone know


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Anyone know why ACSI has changed from decimal co-ordinates to degrees minutes seconds and yet it is still metric on their web site!!!! Also different again why the aires books are degrees minutes metric? Is there any reason why metric can`t be the standard then together with my TT & Google Earth they will all talk the same language instead of having to keep converting.

Just had my ACSI delivered to Spain by Vicarious Books, very efficient.


Roy Fuller


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As an RYA Oceanmaster I am very familiar with degrees minutes and seconds and would have no issue with it being the standard. But why can`t we have a standard? Perhaps the government could create yet another qwango with highly paid consultants to take three years to produce a report>:-):'(
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Hi , Why get fussed about degrees/decimal etc, Both my sat navs (garmin and Mio) can be persuaded to accept whichever format is offered, just by setting preferences in case of garmin (quest2), or typing in the reading inserting degrees or minutes key or decimal point as appropriate in case of Mio.


I am planning trip to Austria via Romantische Strasse for next summer, using Garmin to guide us there, and will use Mio to find nearest stopover when time to stop arrives.


Garmin route planning with waypoints is done on computer screen at home, the transferred to Quest for daily navigation, while Mio (freebie with the van) has been uploaded with stellplatz, Aires, France Passion, ACSI, and camping cheque details. Hopefully we wont get lost, but if all else fails, we have Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, and Swiss book maps, so must remember to take both pairs of glasses, and try teaching better half which way is left when map is upside down.!!!





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