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Please sign this petition


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I'm supporting a campaign for a new recall law to give us the power to call a fresh vote if our local MP has let us down.


So far our campaign has pushed recall right up the political agenda. Now's the time to make sure these warm words are turned into urgent action.


At the moment, no matter what MPs have done, we have to put up with them until the next general election. Can you think of another job where once you've been hired, the people who've hired you can't touch you for up to five years, no matter what you've done? A recall law would give local voters the power to call a fresh vote and sack disgraced MPs.





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I think this is a half-baked idea, with little thought given to its potential consequences if it were ever introduced - which needless to say, it will never be.  It is a waste of time and space.

That does not mean I am happy with things the way they are, I am not.  But this idea, once released into the political environment, would result in complete administrative paralysis.  It is totally barking and farcically unworkable!!

It is also not a "Motorhome Matter", and in my opinion, barely merits inclusion in Chatterbox - where, if anywhere, it urgently belongs.  Strike out!

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I agree with Brian. Apart from releasing this into the ' political environment' just imagine what the ' tabloid environment ' would do with it !

They would spend all their time whipping up campaigns among their readers to get rid of any MP that they don't like.


( ... and yes it should be in Chatterbox)



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