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Do you or don't you?

david lloyd

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Do you empty your 'van when it goes in for MOT/Service or warranty work?


In ten years I never have and have only had one incident this year when a quite expensive (£60) machined aluminium LED torch 'disappeared'. I used to leave it on a hook, together with the micro fleece towel for the dogs' paws, just inside the side sliding door where it was handy for those nocturnal tasks like changing the gas cylinder or emptying the toilet cassette.


The 'van had been returned to the dealer for a couple of minor jobs under warranty. Had I noticed it straight away I would have raised it with the dealer but I didn't realise the item was missing until a few weeks later when we had a few days away. It was also complicated by the fact that, whilst at the dealers, it had also had to go to a paint shop at another location for some paintwork doing.


Despite the sometimes grumpy facade I am still quite a trusting person and will probably still take the 'van as it is (unless it was going in for major work over a longer period) and just wondered what others do?



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I don't empty the van for servicing etc. Neither do I leave anything in I can't afford to lose when the van is not being used. Most expensive thing in the van at present is my hiking boots which I bought for a discounted price of £80 a couple of years ago. My most treasured possession left in the van is my tyre pump which is great for keeping my tyres at 5 bar.


I grew up as a banker in local branches where everything was locked up so I have a natural tendency to keep valuables locked and out of the reach of temptation. I am less worried about anything being nicked and more conscious that if something does go missing, then it would create an air of mistrust between me and the dealer and possibly result in an innocent person being accused of theft.

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Are you 100% sure it was there when you took the vehicle in?


I experienced a similar situation when I took my camper in for it's first service. I left everything in it and a few weeks after the service, couldn't find a multitool I kept in a storage box by the rear doors.


I automatically thought it'd been pinched by a light-fingered mechanic, but found it a few weeks later tucked in a dark corner behind the rear door. So glad I didn't accuse anyone at the dealers!


I still leave stuff in my 'van and haven't had anything go missing in 5 years of camper ownership. Most people are honest. I wouldn't have thought it'd be worth the risk of losing a well paid job for the sake of a torch but if you're sure it was there, best look for a more honest garage!





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I empty ours.  Not because I don't trust the garage employees, but because by so doing I completely avoid the possibility I that may think something was taken.  It just seems fairer, that's all: everyone knows where they stand.  There is nothing inside, so no allegations can arise.

I drain both tanks (so no chance of unexpected showers for anyone working underneath!), and also remove the gas cylinders - and say I have done this - as I suspect the presence of LPG cylinders in garage workshops may create avoidable risks for employees.

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Where work is being done inside the motorhome there is another good reason for removing as much as you can. I often have to empty cupboards and wardrobes of personal items of clothing to do equipment installation work and some of the items found in cuporads can be quite surprising 8-) .


As for items being possibly stolen it makes sense to remove anything you can that is of value, many of my customers have sat nav systems, most frequently portables of the Tom Tom/Garmin type. It would be obvious from the off if one of these went missing but what about the DVD collection in an overhead locker, or an occasionally used multi tool?


Several years ago my wife's car was hit by another. About three weeks after it came back from the bodyshop she realised that the three one pound coins she kept in the ash tray for shopping trolleys were missing. Not a value large enough to get concerned over but were they stolen or did the impact dislodge them?



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Many years ago I had an expensive boxed socket set removed from the boot of my car when in for a service. I never noticed for a week, and when I mentioned to garage I got a "no one here would have taken it". two weeks later the garage phoned me up and said they have my socket set and the mechanic who stole it has been fired.


Some crooks are very stupid, so things do go missing. However I do leave quite a lot in motorhome when it goes in but nothing of high value.

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Yes now!


I "lost" an inclinometer at one of two garages. It was replaced by one that didn't work and wasn't noticed for quite a while. (Well lets face it , it is a toy and one that isn't used)


It seems that a new one costs £280ish, so worth something to someone.


It was obvious that it had been switched when noticed because the original had a "front" to it whilst the replacement didn't.....that's why it didn't work...... Not such a long job and if they have the wagon for a day..........


Pity that it wasn't noticed straight away....... >:-(

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