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Free Stopover !! Intrested?


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We use 'em - very handy when wandering all around the country and saves having to faff around for a site for three out of every four nights too!


Well worth £30 for the convenience in my view - but then I am a wanderer not a site lover and if you prefer to be on a site then it probably is not for you?

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ike - 2009-12-27 2:06 PM

Would likely be of interest to us but before I parted with my £30 I'd like an idea of where they stopovers are but presumably you can only find that out by paying your £30!


There's a listing here. Only the pub name and county is given, but you get an idea of the distribution.Andy
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Andy Thanks for that. I had tried to obtain the full listing from their website but for whatever reason I couldn't access it. I think Porky may be right. We would probably go in to the pub intending to have a couple of drinks and end up buying an expensive meal. So yes it would be a free overnight - a bit like France Passion?- but with the likelihood/potential for it to be quite expensive. Not blaming the pubs for that it is a good idea but you couldn't park up without spending anything. Well I couldn't anyway. We'd feel obliged/and wouldn't be able to resist.


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