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The censor strikes again


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I see that the censor has struck yet again without any word of warning.


The thread on the maybe 'iffy' Duetto advertised on eBay has disappeared!


I think it is reasonable to ask for our Big Brother to put up some form of explanation for pulling, or locking threads and not just to make them disappear.


What say the rest of you?


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spospe - 2009-12-30 3:42 PM


I see that the censor has struck yet again without any word of warning.


The thread on the maybe 'iffy' Duetto advertised on eBay has disappeared!


I think it is reasonable to ask for our Big Brother to put up some form of explanation for pulling, or locking threads and not just to make them disappear.


What say the rest of you?

I agree, I don't see the need to pull the thread in question, and it would be courteous of the moderator to provide an explanation in all such cases.



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For pity's sake. Read the acceptable use policy that we all agreed to when we joined the forum, in it you will find that comments of a personally abusive nature will not be tolerated and threads can be pulled at the moderator's discretion and they don't need to tell us why. As I see it the thread had to be pulled simply because it had gone way beyond what was acceptable.


Simple as that.



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I have no problem with abusive and or off-topic threads being pulled.


My problem is with items disappearing without any explanation.


A thread may start off quite reasonably; I may read it and be interested in its content.


Later when checking progress, I find that it has vanished with no explanation.


Under these circumstances, it is legitimate to ask: why?


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I understand your point and I have done the same myself in the past but one thing we have to remember is that this forum is operated by a commercial company who use an employee to monitor and maintain it, there are no independent moderators on here as used by most other forums. Monitoring and maintaining these forums is not even his main job (as I understand it). The moderator in this instance has enough to do without having to explain him/herself to us each time one of us breaks the AUP rules that we all agreed to abide by.


You don't have to be Einstein to work out why this particular thread was pulled, it was obviously done because it had de-generated into a slanging match.


Simple as that really, D.


P.S. for anyone who doesn't recall the rules as laid out in the AUP here's a link ;-)



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I too was following this thread, and lost it eventually.......wihtout seeing the end of it

I do agree that quite a few of the posts on various topics are unncessarily rude from certain people, and tend towards abusive in my view. Where contibutors are consistently abusive or what they say in done in an unacceptable manner, perhpas their comments should be removed, rather than the whole thread.

In time,maybe they will get the message, and put their comments in a more constructive and polite manner, or else they themselves could be removed as contributors totally,which in fairness I think would be a shame,as most of what goes on is well put, even though it does often wander 'off topic'!

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As I was the one who started the thread I would firstly like to thank all the members who sent me the PM's, there was not one of any type that was abusive. (not up to now,anyway) better get ready for some now i suppose.:-D.

This morning I was going to ask the Moderator if he would pull the thread after i had made one last post to thank those who had been sensibile with their views on whether I was right or wrong in my observations of the (Duetto?) van.  If anyone knows what it was, please let me know. What I would like to know off the Moderator, if you would be so kind, is to tell me if the thread was pulled because of my initial post, I ask again 'is it me'

If I ever see anything what looks suspicious again I will post it whether i am right or wrong, I'm sure someone will tell me.

A Happy New Year to 'ALL' forum members, and all at Warner's


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Have a good New Year Dave, and thanks for the info. on the ebay thing.


There are a lot of scams around so it pays to keep a look out.


Whenever I post I don my flame proof skin and hard hat!


They have been sorely tested in the past, but hey, it's just a cra**y old forum, and it's water off a flame proof ducks back.



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Guest JudgeMental
nowtelse2do - 2009-12-30 8:29 PM

on whether I was right or wrong in my observations of the (Duetto?) van.  If anyone knows what it was, please let me know. .

A Happy New Year to 'ALL' forum members, and all at Warner's


I think you were right, but that was never the issue, the fact that no reasonable enquiry's were made first was my only concern. It is easily done and with Dereks link I have done it today. But please don't resurrect this we are all different and lets just accept that factThings get heated on here from time to time, and I can get a bit full on, but I think my heart is in the right place.a happy new year to everyone and best wishes;-)
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The postings calmed right down at the end and I am sure that everyone involved greatly regrets that this ever happened, (we all get carried away at times), and have learned from the experience.


It is pretty obvious that the post will have been pulled because someone will have made a complaint to the moderators and frankly who could blame them as it certainly did not transmit a good image of the forum.


Welcome back to sanity

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Some posts need moderation as some people act like children in the playground, I would have thought that if you feel strongly enough to have a go at an individual you would be better doing it via P.M.s where you can really let off steam and offend only the individual you are writing to. :-o :-o :-o
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vindiboy - 2009-12-30 11:02 PM


Some posts need moderation as some people act like children in the playground, I would have thought that if you feel strongly enough to have a go at an individual you would be better doing it via P.M.s where you can really let off steam and offend only the individual you are writing to. :-o :-o :-o



Something wrong here, I thought that PMs were for friends to contact each other through with a PRIVATE MESSAGE

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If you are really desperate to retain the contents of a thread that has been removed by the Moderator, you may well find that it (or a fair percentage of it) is still kicking around in your PC's history files if you get your skates on. I find that most of the 'Duetto' thread is still available to me.


I'm not sure how much technical 'power' a Moderator has when it comes to editing threads. I vaguely recall discussing this with a Moderator in the past and, while it was plain that he/she could easily edit the text of individual postings, or move complete threads from one forum section to another, I don't think it was practicable to remove individual postings from within a thread as it would compromise the thread's structure. And, of course, if individual 'offensive' postings were to be removed, there's every chance that follow-up postings would become nonsensical.

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vindiboy - 2009-12-30 11:02 PM Some posts need moderation as some people act like children in the playground, I would have thought that if you feel strongly enough to have a go at an individual you would be better doing it via P.M.s where you can really let off steam and offend only the individual you are writing to. :-o :-o :-o

I disagree.  It is far better to move on and not "let off steam", publicly or privately. 

Half the disputes arise through people fail to read what they have written, and think about how it may look to a reader, before they post it.

The other half arise because people don't carefully and thoughtfully read what was written, and react to some unintended, sometimes imagined, slur. 

There is a very tiny proportion that come from vindictive and mischievous troublemakers.  The main lesson, though, is to engage brian before writing, and while reading!  :-)

If people would only think before they write, and then read what they have written, even allowing for those few people who have particular difficulty in both departments, there would be very few slanging matches in public or private.  The troublemakers would then stand out and can simply be ignored, whereafter, they will go away.

Disagreement is fine, but calling someone else a liar, or stating that what they have written is "rubbish", is hardly likely to result in a temperate exchange of views from which any one of us may learn something useful. 

Sow dragon's teeth, and you reap the wild wind?

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Brian Kirby - 2009-12-31 12:46 PM

There is a very tiny proportion that come from vindictive and mischievous troublemakers.  The main lesson, though, is to engage brian before writing, and while reading!  :-)

Sooooo, Brian ... you're offering your services to 'vet' everyone's postings are you? Gonna be a busy man in 2010 chuck! :D ;-)
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Mel B - 2009-12-31 2:35 PM
Brian Kirby - 2009-12-31 12:46 PM

There is a very tiny proportion that come from vindictive and mischievous troublemakers.  The main lesson, though, is to engage brian before writing, and while reading!  :-)

Sooooo, Brian ... you're offering your services to 'vet' everyone's postings are you? Gonna be a busy man in 2010 chuck! :D ;-)
Well he must have "Nowtelse2do" then Mel :D :D :D
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I think Brian makes a very valid point about reading letters/,ail before pressing the button to send, or at least re-reading to edit subsequently......


When I was in work, as one who regularly had to write letters which had to contain no ambiguousness nor be less than polite (in those days thats what we did!) I frequently re-wrote them or at least listened back to the tape before they went off to be typed.

I continue to be amazed (not sure why!) how many business letters I receive these days, which are not only gramatically incorrect, or poorly worded, but factually incorrect, and where they are in reply to previous correspondence, it is clear the writer didn't read the letter to which he/she was replying!


In these days of e-mails and forum comments, I think it's even more important to do so,as it is so easy just to type off a few lines, and not bother to go back through what has been said!

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Brian Kirby - 2009-12-31 12:46 PMI disagree.  It is far better to move on and not "let off steam", publicly or privately. 

Half the disputes arise through people fail to read what they have written, and think about how it may look to a reader, before they post it.

The other half arise because people don't carefully and thoughtfully read what was written, and react to some unintended, sometimes imagined, slur. 

Often (but not always) if I read something that offends me I walk away mull over for a while come back and read again, if I'm still offended I walk away again and leave it till later that day or best next day, if by next day I can be bothered I will reply.
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