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The censor strikes again


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Mel B - 2009-12-31 2:35 PM
Brian Kirby - 2009-12-31 12:46 PM

There is a very tiny proportion that come from vindictive and mischievous troublemakers.  The main lesson, though, is to engage brian before writing, and while reading!  :-)

Sooooo, Brian ... you're offering your services to 'vet' everyone's postings are you? Gonna be a busy man in 2010 chuck! :D ;-)

Damn!!  :-)  :-)  :-)

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Syd - 2009-12-31 9:23 AM


But Dereck why would anyone want to resurect something that is obviously better off forgotten.


I'm not suggesting that people 'resurrect' a removed thread, I'm just saying that, if anyone feels an overwhelming urge to re-visit such a thread, then it may be possible to do so. It's not too difficult to imagine a thread that eventually gets guillotined also containing postings that a forum member might consider worth retrieving.

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One thing that rarely gets mentioned is that we occasionally have to pull threads for legal reasons. Some companies will sue folk at the drop of a hat and we have a duty to protect you where possible.


Just because you're typing away on a forum does not make what you write immune from prosecution under exactly the same publishing laws that cover printed media.


Few people seem to realise this - you're writing on a public forum, remember...


I think you'd rather we pulled the odd thread, than let the lawyers take a chunk out of your savings!


Peter R





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Truth is both the writer of the disputed material and the owners of the forum could be sued. I don't know of anybody being sued for anything they've written on a forum but there is one chap who has been warned about what he wrote regarding a motorhome he'd bought and had problems with, I don't recall his name but as far as I can remember he started his own website to moan about bad service and used Youtube too.



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This may be the website you had in mind




and this is an MHF thread relating to it




There are risks 'owning' defamatory DIY websites. My neighbour was the Human Resources director at a major UK university. He told me once that one of the university IT staff, who was a classic car enthusiast, felt he had been badly treated by a supplier of spare parts for the make of vehicle he was keen on. In revenge he created a website on the lines of the Brownfools one generally slagging off the supplier. Unsurprisingly, the supplier was not greatly amused and managed to trace where the website was being hosted - which was on the university's servers! The supplier threatened the university with legal action and the university sacked the IT guy.


I don't know how the UK's libel laws relate to internet forums, but it's obvious that, if a person or a company takes a real dislike to a posting on a Warners-managed forum, it's Warners that will initially be approached and held blameworthy. Whether Warners can successfully pass the buck to the offending posting's author is anybody's guess. Certainly, if I were setting out to be libellous via a Warners forum, with malice aforethought, the likelihood of me being identified and prosecuted as a result would be remote.

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We don't 'pass the buck' - we have a legal obligation to provide a users details if things get legal. Commercial companies take no prisoners and it's naive to think otherwise. Stick to the forum rules and you'll be fine...


For details of this click on the Forum Usage Policy and 'Acceptable Use Policy' at the bottom of the page.

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