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Moving Abroad


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Well the time has come to put the M/H up for sale as we are moving to Tenerife,we were originally going to move some 3 years ago but put it on hold for a while


I know people will say take the M/H with you but the cost is far too prohibitive..the drive to Cadiz then the boat to Tenerife the cost is in the area of £3-4000 pounds and that is money that can be put to other uses


Hopefully the M/H will sell fairly quickly and the move will go fairly smoothly and all my possesions will make it over...we move on the 19th of January so wish me luck..I have been on this forum for a couple of years and have gleaned a wealth of knowledge from here..so if any really adventurous members end up in Tenerife we may see you!!


Happy Trails to all on here all the best for 2010


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Hi Mondo


I hope it all goes well for you.


Just a 'concerned' question ..... have you gone into the move in GREAT detail? I only ask because my cousin recently sold up and bought a motorhome and went to live in Italy with the intention of finding a permanent home there (the motorhome being a temporary residence). Unfortunately she and her family hasn't lasted 3 months and they have been back in the UK since early December ... she didn't do her homework properly (didn't speak the language, no checks on employment situation, health service etc, etc, etc) and also didn't put much thought into how much she would miss her kids and family back in the UK. It's been a very expensive and traumatic experience for her.



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hi mondo,

i wish you well....and ooh, i'm so envious. we used to live in tenerife.we were there for 5 years and loved every minute of it.....although their laid back approach to everything does get to you eventually, especcially if you need anything important sorted out,like buying a house, etc. if your the impatient type,then be prepared.friends of ours that live there,still moan about the system all the time.it can be a strain when your not used to it.the other thing that gets to people is, there's nowhere to go,literally.everywhere is "just off the T1 motorway",not like the mainland where you can drive forever.it can make you feel a bit "hemmed in ", more so for people who are used to the freedom of a motorhome.

having said all that,the positives are numerous,the brilliant climate being the best.

if i can help with any questions,feel free to ask.all the best.

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Guest JudgeMental
Good luck! :-D I hope it works out for you. But apart from the weather, I just don't see the attraction. not that much to see or do and more expensive then Spanish mainland........
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Good luck Mondo. I've always thought that this isn't a rehearsal it's the real thing and the last few years have reinforced in me that fact. So if we have dreams/ambitions, call them what you will, we should follow them when we get the opportunity. So what if it doesn't work out? if the dream isn't the same as the reality? Life seldom is.


So good luck and I sincerley hope for you, it's the "real deal"


Steve T

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