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Dave Oz

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Hi, I am Dave, and some months ago purchased a used auto-trail tracker SE yr2005 this is essensially a 2berth van, but we would like to take two grandchildren 9 & 10 years with us when we go on some Holidays.

Has anyone out there got a similar van and have you managed to get some form of seat belts fitted for the kids

Thanks would appreciate any guide or details Dave Oz

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Hi Dave and welcome to the forum. I hope my comments help you


Dave, unfortunately you have bought the wrong van for your purposes. That said there are lots of comments on various threads with regard to the seatbelt problems, (lack of).


If you want to have the grandchildren with you on some of your trips, then could you consider going only, say up to 30 miles or so from your grandchildrens house and get their parents to drop them at the site where you will be staying.


We live about 40 miles from the new forest and this worked for us when we had a 2 berth Swift Bolero. Now changed to an Autosleeper 4Belt/4Berth.


" There are always ways to crack a problem - some easy, some not."



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This is a difficult question to answer with complete confidence. My first suggestion would be to ask Auto-Trail themselves and take whatever advice they have to offer.


If Auto-Trail say that the vehicle is a two seater for travel purposes, my second suggestion would be to ask your insurance company what their attitude would be to the fitting of non-standard seat belts to what are presumably non-designated travel seats.


My gut reaction is that this is a no-no. These days you simply cannot add such vital safety equipment yourself, how would you know what its crash performance would be like? I feel that you need a different 'van, one with manufacturer provided travel seats and belts: sorry.


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We are in the same position as you, a 2 berth with a u shaped lounge at the back, no where to fit seat belts! I wouldn't even consider taking any of our many grand-children loose in the back! I sat in the back while my husband drove a bit further up the road doing approx 20mls per hr, he had to do an emergency stop as a large dog ran out in front of us, I was thrown and my head slammed the side of a cabinet, it was very worrying as there was a terrific impact and I was unsure whether to go to hospital or not, I was knocked very dizzy, I would hate any of our grand-children to be thrown I hate to think what could be the result.


So either see if you can have factory fitted seat belts, change van, or as other people have recommended have them travel separately in a car.

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Hi Dave and welcome to the forum.


I have to agree with all the comments given so far but also add that even if you could fit lap belts to the side facing seats these can be just as dangerous as not having any and can cause serious internal injuries in the event of an accident.


It's a hard lesson to learn with your first 'van but it's one that many, many people have been through.


Good luck,


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Hi Dave

Legally you can carry passengers on side facing sofa seats if your Tracker was built before 2007, thereafter passengers can only travel in designated passenger seats, which will be front or rear facing.(not sideways)

Although on pre-2007 built motorhomes it is legal, it is not advisable due to the safety aspects, which are well documented on similar threads.


Autotrail offer a forward facing 1/2 dinette with seatbelts, on some of their models, but I think this option has to be ordered before build.

Your only real option is to contact Autotrail and ask if they can retro fit this option. Although I suspect not, it is worth an enquiry to them as they recently opened an extensive service centre at their factory in Grimsby.

From memory cost of the option (on a new van) was approx £800, but may increase if they can retro-fit.


See www.auto-trail.co.uk

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Dave Oz - 2010-01-05 9:21 AM


Thanks Mike

Have taken on board all helpful suggestions and will arrange to take two vehicles when accompanied with the grand children.

Thanks again Dave


A bonus is that you do not have to decamp the M/home each time you go out. ;-)


(Now I am sure there is a thread about carrying kids (wearing seatbelts) in a car towed with an A-frame, just a matter of using the search engine :D )



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