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info on route from zamora to porto needed


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hi everyone


we are thinking of trying a different route to the algarve this year


rather than going down our usual way via caceres/huelva etc we were looking at going across to porto via




and then onwards from porto in a southerly (and warmer !! ) direction


has anyone done this route in jan


any info on places to stop enroute across


any comments on porto

places to visit









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Not in January, but we went that way in early September.  Good road from Zamora to Braganca.  Road from Braganca on, via Vila Real looks OK, but we used the country route via Lamego and Amarante to Porto.  The Porto Orbitur was a bit ancient, and the facilities might be draughty in January, though I think it is open.  Getting there can be fun!  If you get the bus from just near the site the ride in to Porto is unbelievable.  Bus hurtles down streets one bus and two fag papers wide!  Fantastic!  Breathtaking!  Spectacular!  Porto is nice too!
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I agree with Brian about Porto. We went there a couple of years ago and spent a nice week there before driving down to Lisbon. We are heading this way ourselves in a few weeks time either on our way to, or back from the Algarve. In Porto it is worth a visit to at least one of the Port lodges, where they store the port in huge barrels. We went to 4 I think, Sandemans was the best trip. Also went on a boat trip up the Douro. Follow the road down to Lisbon and be sure to stop off at Nazare and go up the finicular railway to see the other end, or top, of the town. Lots of cafes and a n outdoor market in a beautiful square. The church is a definite must. Figuerra de foz worth a look but not so nice in our view. Further down the coast you come to Peniche a lovely fishing village very close to Obidos, an ancient walled town close to a huge lagoon. The Lisbon area is one of our favourites, magnificent art and architecture as well as excellent shopping. The local churches and cathederals are spectacular and free to enter.

We have yet to explore the area between Lisbon and the Algarve but are looking forward to doing that in a few weeks time- we might even see you there!



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If places to stop includes wild camping there is an old customs post on a back road from Braganca going to Puebla de Sanabria, Spain.


Going north from Braganca it's the 103-7 which becomes the ZA-925 in Spain.


The customs post is a large tarmacced area. The road passes through the Parque Natural de Montezinho in Portugal. The road is shown as 'scenic' and when I used it in March 2006 I only saw 7 vehicles. The landscape is like the Scottish Highlands with sun.


Usually do northern Portugal on the way back but as I'm going south later this year I'm going to try it on the way down in Mid Feb.


If places to stop does not include wild camping I'll get me coat. :-)

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We are crossing on Eurotunnel on the 19th Feb & intend to head straight over to Portugal. We came back last year from Figueira da Foz through Salamanca then up to Biarritz. Thinking of going back that way but wonder what it will be like that time of year. Still not sure whether to head down to the Algarve & hopefully better weather or to go off into the unknown (to us at least) northern Portugal. Any advice on best routes & good stopping places welcomed. A good site we found for stopping areas is http://www.furgovw.org/mapa_furgoperfecto.php it links to a Spanish forum but using babelfish you can understand the info.



We wild camp most of the time with just the odd campsite providing its cheap.

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Hi Kontiki


Try the Barragem da Burga, south of Braganca, just off the 102/IP2/E802. SatNav N 41° 23' 24" W 7° 2' 51"


Water tap next to bus stop on the 102 etc overlooking the reservoir. SatNav N 41° 23' 31" W 7° 3' 53"


If going south DON't take the first on the left after the bus shelter take the 2nd left. That's an interesting descent but the first is scary.


Haven't seen another MH in the area. Great walking country but very hilly. The walk up to the village of Vilares de Vilanca is steep. You really feel you have earnt a beer when you get to the bar/cafe. They show live Premiership football at 3pm on Saturdays.


Have only been there in March & April. Going to try Feb this year.

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