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I am having problems driving in the dark with my Ducato Auto-Trail EKS, The problem is when I dip the headlights I nearly always set of the right hand indicator, there is not a positive position, also if I try to cancel the indicator I get 5 flashes on the left hand indicator.

This is very anoying and misleading for other drivers, I have driven many other vehicles including older ducatos and never had this problem before,

Has any one else had the same problem ? :$

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I have checked with the Fiat parts system and there have not been any revisions to the wiper switches since 2006, and there was no 'auto cancelling' or '5 flash' system fitted as original equipment.


Take it to a Fiat dealer and they will undoubtedly order you a new unit under warranty as it is clearly faulty.



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Hi locoman


I am not so sure that it is a fault. I have a 2009 Ducato and have also experienced the 'automatic' indicator sequence you describe. Somewhere in the handbook (I would have to re-read it to find out where) I recall reading a bit about it being a 'one touch' way of indicating that you are changing lanes that then self cancels. But I do agree it is easy to initiate inadvertently and difficult (impossible?) to cancel when you do.



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david lloyd - 2010-01-06 7:45 PM

.... But I do agree it is easy to initiate inadvertently and difficult (impossible?) to cancel when you do.




Try momentarily indicating the other way when this happens. It has worked on every other car I have driven with this feature (although none of them were F**ts).


It should also be possible to turn this feature on and off possibly through a set up menu, although again I've never tried a F**t.



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Keithl - 2010-01-06 8:21 PM


david lloyd - 2010-01-06 7:45 PM

.... But I do agree it is easy to initiate inadvertently and difficult (impossible?) to cancel when you do.




Try momentarily indicating the other way when this happens. It has worked on every other car I have driven with this feature (although none of them were F**ts).


It should also be possible to turn this feature on and off possibly through a set up menu, although again I've never tried a F**t.




Thanks for that advice Keith - I'll have another browse through the handbook to see if it can be switched off in the trip computer menus.



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Thanks for the reply, I've tried to cancel by switching the other way but only get five flashes to the left,

I think I will also have a look through the handbook at the menue set up,

It will also be interesting to see what the dealer has to say about the switch when they have it in for the reverse gear modification, as they have included it on the list of things to check over.

After reading some of the comments on the forum I don't hold out much hope for an improvement in the reversing judder/ clutch burning.


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I have checked the handbook and this is indeed a 'lane change facility' which is activated by a momentary flick of the indicator stalk either up or down. The problem we have encountered is that it is quite easy to do this inadvertently when flashing the headlights or changing to full/dip beam.


I have re-read the multifunction display section but there does not seem to be a way of de-activating the facility there. It will be interesting to see what the dealer says when you take it in and whether they can de-activate it.



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In my opinion there needs to be a more positive position for the different functions on the switch as on other makes/etc.

As you say I will wait and see what the dealer says,or can I guess "We can't find a problem ! " But I do feel better knowing that I am not the only driver with this problem.

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I've driven all three makes of X250 van and never noticed this problem, the one thing I don't like about X250 is the rake and position of steering column, it wouldn't suprize me if the wrong 'technique' of dipping lights activated indicator. I also wonder if maybe some have the contacts just a little closer than others.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The van has been in for the check of the switch and the reverse gear mod,

and guess what , "we cant find a problem"

So its either my driving or as mentioned in an earlier post poor positioning of the switch/ and angle of the steering wheel.

On a positive side there is an improvement on reversing up the drive with the reverse gear modification, no burning clutch,but I will see how the progreses during the season.

Thanks to all that commented on my thread. (lol)

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  • 6 years later...

I did get a new switch replaced under warranty but it is still the same, in my view its a Bad design.

I find that if I drive with my left hand at about 11 o clock on the sreering wheel I dont get the problem so often, but its not a comfortable position, so I am still having occasional problems

Will just have to put up with it

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Did Fiat do the reverse gear modifications for free?

If so it is quite encouraging for Fiat's attitude to its customers considering how old the vehicle is. It was always one of the worries that after a few years Fiat wouldn't carry out the necessary work on the few(?) vehicles which hadn't been done at the time.

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My 2015 Ducato has the lane change facility’. I find the feaure an absolute bustard - I loathe it.


I’ve no problem with the thinking behind the feature, it’s the implementation that’s infuriating.


My Skoda car has the same feature and it’s quite useful (though I could equally well do without it) but the Skoda’s dip/turn-indicator operating stalk is nicely weighted and positive.


Unlike my Ducato, when moving the Skoda’s stalk to select dipped or main headlamp beam there is no tendency to trigger the lane-change feature. With the Skoda I can dip the headlights and/or use the lane-change feature; with the Ducato, if I operate the stalk to go between dipped and main beam there’s every chance I’ll get the lane-change feature operate as an unwanted by-product.


As has been highlighted, once the lane-change feature is triggered it can’t be ‘un-triggered’, nor can the feature be disabled by the driver or a garage.



BikerBarry - 2016-02-11 10:28 AM


Did Fiat do the reverse gear modifications for free?

If so it is quite encouraging for Fiat's attitude to its customers considering how old the vehicle is. It was always one of the worries that after a few years Fiat wouldn't carry out the necessary work on the few(?) vehicles which hadn't been done at the time.


The reverse-gear modifications were made to locoman’s motorhome in early-2010 and I believe that the vehicle itself is a 2009 model (so well within the Fiat warranty period at the time).


I don’t know if it’s known how many ‘X250' vehicles had reverse-gear modifications in the UK but - if I had to guess - it would be that it would only be a tiny percentage of the total number of X250s UK-marketed prior to the Italian factory making changes to the transmission.


It would be educational to learn what Fiat’s attitude would be if an owner of a 2009 motorhome asked for the reverse-gear modifications to be made now.

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It is possible to cancel on our x250, but requires a quick reaction to have any effect. You positively switch the indicator on and off.

What the unwary need to be careful of is a lane change chain reaction going from one side to other in a attempt to switch them off, I once had to say to gf "don't touch the switch anymore"

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It seems to be a built in feature in a lot of new cars, a touch up or down gives five (or three on some cars) flashes, then stops, this is to indicate a lane change rather than turning off the road, as it's built in it cannot be switched off.

A firm push past the detente initiates the indicators proper.

I've never had an issue as the stalk is quite firm and the movements are solid.

My daughter's VW has another daft "improvement" the fog lights turn on on the side she is turning toward at low speed, so when manoeuvring out of our drive first one fog light comes on, then other and so on.

I told her it was a loose connection, but it's a "feature".

Some designers have too much time on their hands.

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Billggski - 2016-02-11 2:43 PM

My daughter's VW has another daft "improvement" the fog lights turn on on the side she is turning toward at low speed, so when manoeuvring out of our drive first one fog light comes on, then other and so on.

I told her it was a loose connection, but it's a "feature".

Some designers have too much time on their hands.


Yes and add into the mix the fact that many cars turn off their DRL on the side of an active indicator - it's all turning into a very confusing light show.

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